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Legal Drugs


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Imagine if you could buy coke from Boots. Or the aptly named Superdrug. That would drain the glamour from it more effectively than making a martyr of Kate Moss. I don't imagine her lovely features would adorn state-regulated packets of white powder, hanging next to the corn plasters. Yes, legalisation would make drugs cheaper, in order to undercut the dealers. Yes, usage might increase. But perhaps not much, because it is already widespread. A third of 16 to 24-year-olds routinely admit to having tried drugs, despite knowing that they are admitting to a crime.





Don't partake in the stuff myself but found this interesting, certainly puts a good point accross for legalisation.

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You can get methylphenidate from Boots - which is much the same (but only if you have a prescription). In fact the highest risk category for drug use are people with ADHD as taking stimulants such as coke, speed and P is a form of self-medication.(I don't have the figures to hand, but it is very significant). It makes a lot of sense to make real efforts to identify people with this neuro-chemical condition and make controlled drugs and stimulant meds like MP more widely available as prescription medication - it would go a long way to addressing a lot of the drug problem. Ritalin SR isn't as glam as coke, but it works - and is a hell of a lot cheaper.

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