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Crash On Douglas Prom


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Just heard on the radio that there's been a crash on Douglas prom resulting with one of the vehicles involved being on its roof, and resulting in big traffic delays.


Hope all concerned are ok obviously and not seriously injured but managing to roll a car on the prom?!

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Just heard on the radio that there's been a crash on Douglas prom resulting with one of the vehicles involved being on its roof, and resulting in big traffic delays.


Hope all concerned are ok obviously and not seriously injured but managing to roll a car on the prom?!


I hope everyone is ok too but I was also wondering how you can roll a car on the prom.


Any guesses whether one of the dreaded promonade u-turners finally got their comeuppance and got flipped by a passing 4 x 4?

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Any guesses whether one of the dreaded promonade u-turners finally got their comeuppance and got flipped by a passing 4 x 4?


No, it was a small white van and a black car. According to my wife there were plenty of people taking photos on their camera phones

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As far as I can recall, no-one has managed to roll a car on the prom before


So well done mate, you will go down in Manx motoring history along with the likes of the guy who was clocked going past the Lankie at 114mph in a 1600 Capri, or the black E Type which careered through Governors Bridge at 110mph and took out half of a garden before ending up as a mangled steaming wreck in the middle of Glencrutchery Road


There may be hope fore these wet-behind-the-ears Nova drivers yet

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