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[BBC News] Drugs advice offered to parents


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C'mon Bees - suggesting cannabis is beneficial is like saying alcohol is beneficial.

Everything has its negative points as well as the good, and 'pro' campaigners are often wanting to ignore this fact. It's a dangerous world we live in, and nothing is without consequence.

People who smoke (cannabis) and are evangelistic about it are being a bit blinkered to the fact that it causes some people severe emotional and psychological problems that can mess their lives up. I'm not anti-booze, or even anti-cannabis; Its just that I believe you have to be honest about the pro's and cons to have any kind of reasonable debate.

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I believe you have to be honest about the pro's and cons to have any kind of reasonable debate.




I'm not against the stuff as such but I'm curious:


I imagine it solves a lot more than it causes.


What sort of problems does it solve, apart from perhaps that some people with illnesses claim that it helps relieve pain.

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Oh its a long and tiring debate, which can be had time and time over.

Sarah, who is Randy Marsh? I don't ever have the time to be bored so I'm not able to consider that quote :)


Regards problems it causes, there are people who blame cannabis for their mental illness - oh ffs, you were mental before you started with the cannabis, the current anti-weed climate makes it very easy to take the "The evil weed made me do it" cop out. .1 (point one) grams of cannabis is enough to ease pain without getting you high (hence the drug companies are trying to synthesize it). Other things too, but, there is little point with this debate on here at all, some of you are a bit blinkered. My one man campaign isn't really working - maybe I should take it to the streets, oh but to do that would be admitting that I have broken the law. Oooh and one wouldn't want to do that, noooooo.


Hermes - no, cannabis is not even in the same ball park as alcohol, ridiculous comparison to try and make. I would advise against smoking pot, I gave up a while ago because of all the additions to the cannabis (the lumps of plastic in the resin..nice..the glass/sand added to skunk to make it weigh more) - but not because of the lies the anti drugs do gooders spout.

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I would advise against smoking pot, I gave up a while ago because of all the additions to the cannabis (the lumps of plastic in the resin..nice..the glass/sand added to skunk to make it weigh more)

Valuable information for parents. Pehaps that's one of the things that will get covered.


Plus, there's a certain irony to labelling people "blinkered" while claiming that canabis does not cause mental illness. You haven't researched it - you don't know that.

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shri live[/url] - please) Ummm huh - shut it xxx nah f**k it listen to it all

It sounded somehow, a little satanic for my liking from an old movie?


As for taking drugs, I do not agree with taking drugs for recreational use, but would agree that the drug could be used for people who had medical problems like MS and Parkinson's disease




I must cautiously admit that cannabis users would be preferred to those with alcohol problems, but I have not researched this enough to give a concise comment one way or another. Maybe some of our regular members would like to put their points across on this area?

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I do not need to research this I am one of the people it helped


I don't think a sample size of one really cuts the mustard when it comes to justifying a claim that you know all about the effects of a drug. At least try it out on a dog or something, then you could say your hypothesis is backed up by tests on animals.

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