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I'm finding it rather hard to explain just how good I'm discovering this game to be.


If you like music (and who doesn't?) and you like playing computer games (everyone does except crap girls) - then this game delivers the entire package in one convenient 'costs just over a fiver' package.


Yes the menu system is rather amateurish, (although it changes all the video/audio/control settings on the fly a lot quicker and with less fuss than most 'proper' games), yes it's clearly something of a one man band kind of deal (or at least, a fairly small pub-touring kind of band), and yes it's ultimately a case of doing the same sort of thing over and over again - but fuck me, how good is it to actually play all your absolute favourite songs/tracks? *


( * Very good)


It's kind of like Tetris crossed with Klax crossed with an old-fashioned racing game and several random puzzlers, and it all plays out to a unique pattern created by what music tracks you feed into it.


This will probably do a better job of explaining it than I will:




There are very few games that arouse the interest of Mrs Analysis, but she demanded access to this one off the back of watching and hearing it for a few minutes, because it's clearly a seriously cool idea that for some reason doesn't appear to have been 'done' before now.


The key thing is, the game analyses the track before you actually play the game, so it then delivers down a frantic arcadey puzzle game based on what you gave it to take a look at - the more beaty and frenetic the track, the harder it is, and there's a worldwide leaderboard (organised by individual tracks) to compete against. (Although this does rely on MP3 tagging action and suchlike which isn't wholly consistent.)


There are very few rules on how to play the game (and it's impossible to lose, you always get to play the track out, it's a high score you're going for) - and the simple principles that are in place (as well as the choice of characters (and their differences) to play the game as) are masterpieces of elegant design.


It's on Steam now for $9.95 - which is really very little cash, especially since our mighty pound seems to be kicking some dollar ass at the moment.


I commend it to the house.

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It's kind of like Tetris crossed with Klax crossed with an old-fashioned racing game and several random puzzlers, and it all plays out to a unique pattern created by what music tracks you feed into it.


Add in a bit of frequency/amplitude too, it is fantastic and well worth the asking price!

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