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Seven Deadly Sins


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The Vatican, or some Bishop, has issued seven deadly sins for the modern age:




Environmental pollution

Genetic manipulation

Accumulating excessive wealth

Inflicting poverty

Drug trafficking and consumption

Morally debatable experiments

Violation of fundamental rights of human nature


At the very best they are terribly fuzzy, and in my mind internally inconsistent - but are they meaningful?

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The Vatican, or some Bishop, has issued seven deadly sins for the modern age:




Environmental pollution

Genetic manipulation

Accumulating excessive wealth

Inflicting poverty

Drug trafficking and consumption

Morally debatable experiments

Violation of fundamental rights of human nature


At the very best they are terribly fuzzy, and in my mind internally inconsistent - but are they meaningful?


They may be meaningful to a lot of Catholics. These 'sins' are all bad but little that comes out of the Vatican is going to make any change.

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The Vatican, or some Bishop, has issued seven deadly sins for the modern age:




Environmental pollution

Genetic manipulation

Accumulating excessive wealth

Inflicting poverty

Drug trafficking and consumption

Morally debatable experiments

Violation of fundamental rights of human nature


At the very best they are terribly fuzzy, and in my mind internally inconsistent - but are they meaningful?


They don't quite have the same kind of impact as the originals, which were at least free of awkward phrases like "violation of fundamental rights of human nature; it reads more like a campaign statement from a student union than a pronouncement from the Vatican. I'm not sure what you mean by internally inconsistent though, there's not really enough to them to give rise to inconsistencies.


They have meaning in so much as they're another dull exercise in portraying the church as relevant to modern life, but apart from that no - most of the list is already accepted as examples of modern ills.

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Inflicting poverty


Essex County Council, Chelmsford Borough Council, South Woodham Town Council, Anglian Water, Essex & Suffolk Water, British Gas and N-power are all going to hell then!





Doesn't make me feel any better though :(

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Inflicting poverty


Anglian Water... are going to hell then!




No kidding! I nearly passed out when I got our bill for the coming year a week or so ago.

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Don't mean to whinge, but shouldn't these have been mentioned to Moses or someone ages ago? I smoked a doobie or two in my youth and conducted plenty of morally dubious experiments, sometimes at the same time, and nobody told me I'd be for the fire and brimstone.

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Don't mean to whinge, but shouldn't these have been mentioned to Moses or someone ages ago?


You're thinking of the ten commandments. The original seven deadly sins were (I think) decided upon much in the same way these have been.

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I wonder how many of these accusations can be levelled at the Catholic Church then...

  1. Environmental pollution - Lots of people = lots of pollution. How do they reconcile this with the ban on contraception which affects millions of people in the poorest countries.
  2. Genetic manipulation - does the banning of contraception for whole countries under the sway of the church count?
  3. Accumulating excessive wealth - The Catholic church? Accumulating excessive wealth? Nah. (Don't mention the Banco Ambrosiano)
  4. Inflicting poverty - As a parent, I know the quickest way to inflict poverty on someone is to give them kids - see 1 above
  5. Drug trafficking and consumption - I'm sure the coomunion wafers are spiked with something ;)
  6. Morally debatable experiments - Anything which is debatable is a sin? So is debate itself a sin?
  7. Violation of fundamental rights of human nature - Is there a right to contraception? (And does the Spanish Inquisition count here?)

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The Vatican, or some Bishop, has issued seven deadly sins for the modern age:




Environmental pollution

Genetic manipulation

Accumulating excessive wealth

Inflicting poverty

Drug trafficking and consumption

Morally debatable experiments

Violation of fundamental rights of human nature


Can't help wondering whether that last one would cover denying someone the right to use condoms.

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