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Seven Deadly Sins


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The so called sins which most concerns me have hardly been mentioned: its the ones concerning genetic manipulation and "morally dubious experments".


The future of medical advances rests on a deeper understanding of our chemical and genetic make up, but the vatican and other Christian sects are linking our chemical nature with their beliefs in imortal souls and claiming such research is unethical.


BBC link


The leader of the Catholic church in Scotland has urged Gordon Brown to rethink "monstrous" plans to allow hybrid human-animal embryos.


I find it monstrous that research that could find improved treatments for Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimers, MS etc etc is being held back by simplistic and dogmatic view of what life is and how it is chemically based.


Claims about the sanctity of life over balls of cells created in labs in order to better understand and hopefully treat terrible diseases shows an incredible inhumanity towards literally millions of suffers. For the religiously dogmatic to stiffle this research shows just how misdirected their attitudes are.


I really think there has to be a better way to debate these complex and important issues than going on about Frankenstein and monstrosities. These simplistic and dogmatic slogans make a nonsense of the whole issue.

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I really think there has to be a better way to debate these complex and important issues than going on about Frankenstein and monstrosities. These simplistic and dogmatic slogans make a nonsense of the whole issue.


Of course there is, but that way has the potential to challenge the basic assumptions of a number of religions regarding the relationship between the divine and the physical. I don't think we should be particularly surprised that the church is opposed to cloning or genetic engineering as a matter of principle. Nor is it any great shock that the church's views on the nature and basis of life differ significantly from those of the scientific establishment; we may very well view their opinion as wrong or misguided, but the fact is that these opinions are often fundamental to their beliefs.


It's also worth remembering that this is not the only way these issues are being debated - the opinion of the church is influential within some circles, but ultimately the debate that matters is held between experts and parliamentarians.

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  • 9 months later...

As it seems to be the craze of the moment to resurect old threads on religion I thought I'd add to this one!


The Catholic Church has published how it deals with sins admitted to in the confessional - for minor stuff, like murder and genocide a priest or a bishop can deal with it. But then there's really serious stuff which a special tribunal has to be set up for and the pope himself grant absolution. So what are these sins even more heinous than genocide?




They include attempting to assassinate the Pope, a priest abusing the confidentiality of the confessional by revealing the nature of the sin and the person who admitted to it, or a priest who has sex with someone and then offers forgiveness for the act.


A third type of case that comes before the tribunal involves a man who directly participates in an abortion - even by paying for it - who then seeks to become a priest or deacon.


Defiling the Eucharist, which Catholics believe is the body and blood of Christ, is also considered a sin of extreme gravity and one which is on the increase, the high-ranking members of the tribunal said.


Such sins, which can only be dealt with by the Pope, acting through the tribunal, bring automatic excommunication from the Church. If the Pope decides to grant absolution, the excommunication is lifted.


Is it only me who thinks that believing that "defiling" a communion biscuit is more serious than commiting genocide is getting priorities just a little back to front!


With all the problems in the world at the moment what does the Catholic Church most obsess about - "sins" internal to its organization, sex, abortion and communion biscuits. Priorities, Priorities.

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In heaven, all the interesting people are missing.


Hats off to you bluemonday for a quote from one of my favourite philosophers, but i think this one is better for MF.

"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything. "

Friedrich Nietzsche

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precisley. On more basic level. God made everything..including horrible diseases, afflictions, deformitys the whole lot. This apparently is gods great plan to randomly strike innicent people down with painful lives or grizzly deaths. Really ? Why would he do that ? and if its what he(God) wants, why when he sent his son down to us in mortal form did Jesus go around making people better then ? It was one of his best miracles but surley it must have been contrary to gods wishes ? Is medicine banned from the catholic faith ?


It dunt add up does it ?

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precisley. On more basic level. God made everything..including horrible diseases, afflictions, deformitys the whole lot. This apparently is gods great plan to randomly strike innicent people down with painful lives or grizzly deaths. Really ? Why would he do that ? and if its what he(God) wants, why when he sent his son down to us in mortal form did Jesus go around making people better then ? It was one of his best miracles but surley it must have been contrary to gods wishes ? Is medicine banned from the catholic faith ?


It dunt add up does it ?



Indeed but there is only one god Jesus is part of the trinity the father the son and the holy ghost. But all = 1 god hence the term monotheism


Just to make it clearer haha


So that means that he gave people illnesses so he could come and cure them to make himself look good. Wow good plan. Reminds me of that thing you did as kids go to push someone in the road but pull them back and say I saved your life! I don’t get worshiped for that? Makes no sense

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So were are lead to belive, therefore he contradicts himself too as well as shows off. Thats not a very good example to set is it. haha.


The other problem is that the Bible was collated and translated into various languages, including english and as we all know not all languages have a direct term to translate to so it gets the nearest the translator can fathom, hence irregularities. It becomes more and more tenuos by the minute. Then, if this isnt bad enough we come up with loads of different denominations of the same religion and quite recently some american named Kingdom makes his own version up too.


Congratulations to you if you are a believer of any faith, and I have the greatest respect for you but despite having quite a strict christian upbringing I still dont get it!


Perhaps trying to theorise religion on a forum should be a deadly sin. I'll get me coat.

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I really think there has to be a better way to debate these complex and important issues than going on about Frankenstein and monstrosities. These simplistic and dogmatic slogans make a nonsense of the whole issue.


Of course there is, but that way has the potential to challenge the basic assumptions of a number of religions regarding the relationship between the divine and the physical. I don't think we should be particularly surprised that the church is opposed to cloning or genetic engineering as a matter of principle. Nor is it any great shock that the church's views on the nature and basis of life differ significantly from those of the scientific establishment; we may very well view their opinion as wrong or misguided, but the fact is that these opinions are often fundamental to their beliefs.


It's also worth remembering that this is not the only way these issues are being debated - the opinion of the church is influential within some circles, but ultimately the debate that matters is held between experts and parliamentarians.


aye the church will be saying different when all these new fangled clones start putting cash in the collection dish..


it will be !!!ALL GODS WILL!!!

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