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Anyone Missing This?


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Anyone missing this ?




Keeps coming to my house in search for food. Normally wouldn't mind much, but the resident furball is scared of her and when I caught her today, she promptly proceeded to first bite me and then wreck the study - as in proper wrecked. Curtains down, ashtray and cups flying, etc.


Not amused - if it's yours, it's roaming around down here (south quay Douglas). Obviously must be extremely hungry, otherwise she wouldn't come in here. Chased her away a few times, but I guess she got the timing wrong today and felt cornered. One theory I've got is that she belonged to some neighbours who moved away recently - not sure, though.


Next time I catch her, I'll feed her to the Swoose.

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She looked well wrecked - must have lived outside for a while. Serious, all that was missing here a few minutes ago was the Benny Hill music - the rest was all in place...


/off to the doc for a tetanus thingy. Last one was 15 years ago - time flies...

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