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Missing Girl Shannon Found Alive

Mr. Sausages

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Agreed, the five blokes that managed to bang up this Swamp Donkey should be charged with some kind of public decency offence.


As the baby eating Bishop of Bath and Wells said in Blackadder II


I am a colossal pervert. No form of sexual depravity is too low for me. Animal, vegetable or mineral, I'll do anything to anything


... and Karen Mathews

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The McCanns are to blame for this - no seriously, if they hadn't gone off and left their children in the house on their own, one of them would never have been 'stolen', there would not be a 'Gold for missing kid' circus going on and desperate people with desperate lives would not be tempted by the disaster stardom career path.


As for this mother, I feel great sadness that people are so quick to judge her. What a life eh? poor cow.

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that ugly ginger bint has been podged at least 7 times? She wasn't just touched by the ugly stick she was bludgeoned unconcious and smashed over the head with it.


Fat growlers


1 slapper.


Swamp Donkey should be charged with some kind of public decency offence.


I really can't understand how you wouldn't be gagging to puke half way through having a pop.


I see the Chippendales are in town, lol....... I bet she has some redeeming features or talents. After all, everyone can be sexy even if they do look a little rough......; )

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aren't you all being a bit harsh and judgemental ?


considering all that happened and were she is now I think she's getting enough hell as it is and if she guilty of what they're accusing her of then she'll get jailed

All that happened would appear to have been of her own making. However, I don't agree with panning her because of her physical attributes, or lack thereof, but I do agree with panning her because she appears to be a lazy, exploitative, good for nothing malingerer.

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Why is it only when it looks like she's a twisted, selfish, unfit mother, that people start talking about how unattractive they think she is? Why weren't you saying this before? I wanted to know 3 weeks ago if you fancied her or not.

No way she is a disgrace to all beautiful redhead women she has the perfect weapon against muggers - her face. I have seen others like her before, but usualy I've had to pay an admission fee.


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