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He said that a lot of Manx people like nothing better than to talk DOWN any new idea, predict it will fail, tell everybody it's going to fail, and when it eventually DOES fail through lack of support, stand back and say "I always knew it would fail".


You wiseguys crack me up - whenever I look in I see entire threads moaning that nobody is investing in the Isle of Man or doing anything new, the minute somebody tries something (anything) it's shot down in flames before it even leaves the runway.


It'd be endearing if it wasn't so sad, and reflect so badly on you.


You've completely misunderstood. This isn't anything new, this isn't innovative, this is nothing like the claims the MR people were making.

I think the misunderstanding could be on your part 'slim', 'Andy' was making a far more general observation of some of the more prolific posters on here who fail to recognise the absolute difference between a cleverly written piece of satire or constructive criticism, and that which is purely, peurile, caustic, sniggering, swingeing, jealous, simply nasty, or, sarcastic, which as I'm sure you will know.......is the lowest form of wit.

I mean, really, even in the posts about our Island's representative in the "I'd do anything..." TV prog, some of our smartass posters had to try and be funny, again in a really infantile way.

He's right, this kind of crap shows us all up in a really parochial in-bred way.

Next time maybe I shouldn't mince my words!!!.

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"I personally think Manx Radio is great. Don't get me wrong I'm the first to listen to Radio1 in the morning for Mr Moyles but as soon as there is a big news event on the Island, its MR I go to, either broadcast or website so I'm clued in to what's going on. I dont think I'm the only one, otherwise, as I've already said, there wouldnt be the level of comments on here that there is.


Oh no, not another one. I've always wondered why people find Moyles talented or funny? Shouting your jokes, repeating the same ideas to death every morning, or just getting your posse to laugh at your jokes. That IS irritating radio! ;)

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I mean, really, even in the posts about our Island's representative in the "I'd do anything..." TV prog, some of our smartass posters had to try and be funny, again in a really infantile way.

He's right, this kind of crap shows us all up in a really parochial in-bred way.

Next time maybe I shouldn't mince my words!!!.

Just cos a local's involved - doesn't mean it still isn't a load of old bo**ocks. Many of us remember Saturday nights being about talent, not americanised kareoke talent shows (dragged out for 12 weeks). Ahhh those were the days - when no one had even heard of negative IQs.

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I mean, really, even in the posts about our Island's representative in the "I'd do anything..." TV prog, some of our smartass posters had to try and be funny, again in a really infantile way.

He's right, this kind of crap shows us all up in a really parochial in-bred way.

Next time maybe I shouldn't mince my words!!!.

Just cos a local's involved - doesn't mean it still isn't a load of old bo**ocks. Many of us remember Saturday nights being about talent, not americanised kareoke talent shows (dragged out for 12 weeks). Ahhh those were the days - when no one had even heard of negative IQs.


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I mean, really, even in the posts about our Island's representative in the "I'd do anything..." TV prog, some of our smartass posters had to try and be funny, again in a really infantile way.

He's right, this kind of crap shows us all up in a really parochial in-bred way.

Next time maybe I shouldn't mince my words!!!.

Just cos a local's involved - doesn't mean it still isn't a load of old bo**ocks. Many of us remember Saturday nights being about talent, not americanised kareoke talent shows (dragged out for 12 weeks). Ahhh those were the days - when no one had even heard of negative IQs.


Good - you've proved you're 'sentience'.

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I think the misunderstanding could be on your part 'slim', 'Andy' was making a far more general observation of some of the more prolific posters on here who fail to recognise the absolute difference between a cleverly written piece of satire or constructive criticism, and that which is purely, peurile, caustic, sniggering, swingeing, jealous, simply nasty, or, sarcastic, which as I'm sure you will know.......is the lowest form of wit.


No Andy was in fact, as I read it, making no such distinction at all. He was claiming people were being insular in opposing what many (judging by the posts) don't see as a good idea. Whether the views here are right or wrong this product seems to have been a triumph for ham-fisted marketing - people can't access the site, when they do people don't appear to understand what the product is, and some people can't see what value the product offers to the consumer. Hence the assumption by some seems to be that its data mining because no other uses seem clear (that may be totally incorrect, but clearly many can't work out what the product actually is).


The forum really just documents opposing views, and he clearly can't accept that there are people out there who question the reasons for this product and that's why I'd ask why, and whether there is a connection with the company marketing this product?


The problem is - as people know - more people probably get their impression of the service from this site than MR and I've still not seen a message posted by anyone who knows what this product is supposed to be, over and above an occasional discount card. I also think that because MR is partially taxpayer funded that these issues are important if our money is being spend to launch such a service.


I myself have no particular problem with them trying new stuff, but my experience was that I could not even access the page for over 3 hours. Now that is honest feedback ... something does not work properly. That's not negative that's a true representation of what happened.

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He's right, this kind of crap shows us all up in a really parochial in-bred way.

Next time maybe I shouldn't mince my words!!!.


My arse, it shows that this is a discussion forum where people air their opinions. There's positive opinions here, and there's also stuff getting negative reviews. It'd be a bloody dull forum if it was just people posting how jolly wonderful everything was.


Not everyone likes what you like. Not everyone enjoys a 12 week series of hopefulls humiliation that continually lines Andrew Lloyd Webbers (or simon cowells) pockets, and it takes a special kind of narrow minded buffoon to accuse people who don't like these things to claim that's a result of in breeding.

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  • 3 weeks later...
So how is the MR+ 'discount' card going? Is there anyway in quantifying whether it's been successful yet?


Well, I got one, and I'm still trying to work out why. The site is not particularly user friendly, and when last I looked, there were still quite a few bits of it that didn't seem to be up and running yet.

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Well, I got one, and I'm still trying to work out why.


Because you believed all of the marketing?


Because you believed it was "one of the most innovative products ... in a long time"?


Don't tell me i hasn't lived up to all of the hype? :huh:


BTW Funny how all of effervesce's post, all 100% of them, were in this thread despite not admitting any connection to MR+

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  • 1 month later...
One thing that strikes me is that no one posting comments realy has any idea of what the MR+ scheme will deliver you or what its all about. Maybe you should join and find out - if you don't want to then thats fine..................


You've been quiet John? It's out, it is a discount card, and most people seem largely underwealmed. Now that it's launched, can you tell us how its innovative, because I just can't see it.


I look for ward to meeting any of you in Bar George to take advantage of your MR+ offer (it's not a discount card by the way) but you will have to join to find out what the offer is - - and its FREE!


I've got one now. It's a card that offers discounts. It's a discount card, right?


Anyone here actually used one?

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