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Aren't all dj's purile annoying twats (sorry stu!)?


Only one that really gets my back up is the guy in the afternoons who can't think while talking. Gah that's annoying.



Terry Wogan isn't, and he's the only one worth listening to in the weekday mornings. I give up with the local radio stations, although NJ Williams and Bernie Quayle aren't too bad (although he plays on his Bee Gees link a bit much).

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No offence taken Slim - but if you're going to slag any of us off, at least learn how to spell puerile and get a basic grasp of grammar.


And whilst the boy Brindley doesn't need (or probably want) any help from me responding to the more vitriolic posters here, I'd just like to say that if anything on the radio annoys you THAT much, there are lots of alternatives to posting your bile in public. Thick skin goes with the territory, but would you like to see YOUR pals* referred to in such deeply offensive terms?


DJ's aren't all 'annoying twats'. The best raise radio to an art form. I had to stop my car on the hard shoulder of the M56 once because I was laughing so hard at Steve Wright that I was a danger to other road users. Mark and Lard often had the same effect. If you want wall-to-wall music that you like, buy an Ipod...radio caters for people who want a bit of company, information and chat.


*Ooops - just spotted a schoolboy error! Of course, you don't HAVE any pals do you...

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DJ's aren't all 'annoying twats'. The best raise radio to an art form.



It's a shame we don't have many decent presenters here, although I have to say that I don't mind your style Stu.


Opinions are like arseholes - everyone has one and my opinion of Brindley seems to be shared by quite a few people on this forum.


As I say, Terry Wogan is a class act and Brindley wouldn't get a look in anywhere else other than Manx Radio. His style and humour is second rate, which probably fits in quite nicely with his employer.


Anyway, we digress. WTF is the loyalty card all about? Should a second rate Government supported radio station be wasting tax payers money on a scheme that won't stand the test of time?

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Well I mind YOUR style. And opinions, like arseholes, are best kept private and quiet.


At times I have a bad day, mispronounce half of the words or hit all the wrong buttons - and thank my lucky strikes that I even HAVE a job in radio.


So whenever I go across on holiday, I listen to our equivalents (i.e. stations that can't afford Wogan, Moyles, Ross et al) and realise in most regards we're at LEAST as good and in most cases MILES ahead of any of the UK regionals - ILR or BBC. We operate on a TINY fraction of the budgets of BBC national radio, so your comparison is completely invalid. Look at the resources put into the Today programme versus Mandate for an example.


And don't get all high-handed and sniffy about us 'wasting' taxpayers money. MR costs you less than half a newspaper a week, and you don't know the first thing about MR+ or whether it will 'cost' you anything!

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Well I mind YOUR style. And opinions, like arseholes, are best kept private and quiet.


If that's true, then there's not much point in any of us being here: the whole purpose of a forum is to share opinions.


And don't get all high-handed and sniffy about us 'wasting' taxpayers money. MR costs you less than half a newspaper a week, and you don't know the first thing about MR+ or whether it will 'cost' you anything!


Nevertheless, MR is still funded by the taxpayers. You may disagree with their opinions, and even if some are misinformed this still entitles them to voice an opinion.


Besides, is it such a bad thing that people can talk about Manx radio on here? Even if you find what is written disagreeable, at least it gives you the opportunity to respond to it directly, which is surely better than not knowing what people are saying and not being able to deal with people slagging you or your job off.

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It's only part-funded by the taxpayer Vinnie - I don't know the numbers but I think over half comes from commercial operations (advertising, promotions and things like MR+).


You're right - in the normal course of events I actively welcome opinions, and constructive criticism is vital. But personal attacks and name calling are pathetic and actually say more about the poster than the object of their spite. I apologise for ranting, but I'm sick of people saying things like 'you're no Jonathan Ross are you?'. No I'm not, but I'm about £2million a year cheaper!


I'm also sick to death of the constant jibes about the government support - it's pennies a week per head, and in real terms probably little more than the papers get in official advertising - it's just that we're upfront about our finances, accountable to Government and transparent in what we do. And we don't have any shareholders getting a nice bung every year - any money we make goes into the service or if we ever made too much, it would go back to IOMG.


Anyway, I'm skulking off in high dudgeon. Seems the only way NOT to get a slagging on the internet forums (justified or not) is to have millions in the bank and litigation-hungry lawyers on tap.

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And don't get all high-handed and sniffy about us 'wasting' taxpayers money. MR costs you less than half a newspaper a week, and you don't know the first thing about MR+ or whether it will 'cost' you anything!


MR may cost me less than half a newspaper a week, and when you put it like that I am being ripped off!


I understand the concept of MR+, the idea is nothing new and if it was any good it would have been done by 3FM or Energy FM a long time ago (and they have had the sense not to run with such a stupid idea).


Time will tell, but I'd quite happily put my house on the fact that it won't be around this time next year. Kik FM was another shite concept that didn't last either.


Let's face it, MR is clutching at straws when they come up with shit marketing ideas like this, and our money could be better spent on getting some decent presenters for a start.

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and you don't know the first thing about MR+


Hardly a successful advertising campaign then.


I'm tempted to bookmark this thread, bung it in Outlook for a year's time and then see how MR+ has done. What's the odds for "roaring success" or "sunk without trace"?

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No offence taken Slim - but if you're going to slag any of us off, at least learn how to spell puerile and get a basic grasp of grammar.


Ah, give me a break Stu, I was attempting to humorously quote 'Port Erin', I'd not make such a generalisation seriously. It was a half arsed defence, I think you've got to have a certain kind of personality to want to be a DJ, and that kind of person is always going to wind some people up.


I did go on to say I only found one MR DJ annoying!

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Time will tell, but I'd quite happily put my house on the fact that it won't be around this time next year.


Quoted for first claim on your house this time next year.

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I'm also sick to death of the constant jibes about the government support - it's pennies a week per head, and in real terms probably little more than the papers get in official advertising - it's just that we're upfront about our finances, accountable to Government and transparent in what we do.


I think you just hit the nail on the head of why it pisses people off. If your into free speach why would you want a radio station thats accountable to government?

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I'm also sick to death of the constant jibes about the government support - it's pennies a week per head, and in real terms probably little more than the papers get in official advertising - it's just that we're upfront about our finances, accountable to Government and transparent in what we do.


I think you just hit the nail on the head of why it pisses people off. If your into free speach why would you want a radio station thats accountable to government?


It's hardly a groundbreaking or novel concept, being part or fully funded by the taxpayer.


The BBC is an obvious example - and PBS around the world provides a service that goes beyond providing the least possible for the highest cash return. The diversity of programming on Manx Radio (Manks language, specialist music, current affairs, Tynwald and Keys' live debate, farming, religion etc) is only possible because of our PBS remit and funding. Many radio stations these days are little more than a computer where a presenter records all his or her links, timechecks and spoken components in one quick session before broadcast (voice tracking) and then goes home - which also means the station only needs pay them for one hour (say) instead of the four their show will run for. At least if a show takes phone call to air, you know there's someone actually there listening to you and responding to the public.


Remember, the Manx people are the actual owners of Manx Radio - the Government merely acting as financial custodians and with a number of independent layers of scrutiny (Trustees, Board of Directors) and staff ensuring that we're not just a political propaganda agency.


And every broadcaster is accountable to government in one way or another - it's governments that licence the airwaves we use, and can withdraw them if they see fit. Ours is democratically elected and actively encourages free speech and being challenged - often live on air. Even the BBC doesn't seem to enjoy THAT level of media freedom.

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