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Even the BBC doesn't seem to enjoy THAT level of media freedom.


I'm sorry Stu but I don't buy the argument that MR is freer than the BBC and you seriously cannot believe that either. Just because you half heartedly interview a few polticians about trams and public projects does not put you up there with Andrew Gilligan in the Kelly affair.


Edited: not intended to be a personal dig

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You're right - Tony Brown simply refused to talk about deploying our troops to Afghanistan, and Pam Crowe gave me a serious telling-off when I broached rumours of WMD's secreted in Port Erin.


Actually I DO believe we have more freedom than the BBC. New Labour seems built entirely on manipulating the media and spinning bad news to cause least damage. The worst case here is that a politician won't comment - but since we mention that in the report, they're reluctant to use that escape route.


Remember, our meat and veg is trams and tractors. We reflect what is happening in our community, and in a country where everyone knows everyone else - and skeet is a national pastime - there's little going on in the island that doesn't get debated to death.

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Ok quick hello to everyone and a congratulations to everyone for making me register and reply, for the first time in a year of reading these forums.


I have a couple of points to make, a few of which will echo those already stated in part by other users on this thread


1) You are all commenting on something that you don't fully understand as it has not yet been launched.


2) In order to comment on it and deliver opinion I suggest that you wait for it to be launched (beginning of April) and then give your opinions. You can do this by pre-registering



3) It is NOT a discount card, nor is it entirely correct to be calling it a "loyalty card". It looks to me to be what is widely known in the marketing business at this stage to be a Privilege Card. Exactly what that will mean for each of the companies signing up, I would imagine, will be up to them, be that something free or a discount etc.


4) The reason MR isnt divulging completely what it is at this stage, would again I imagine, be down to a well known marketing strategy; a teaser campaign. Which, given the comments on this firum already, has done it's job so is money well spent.


5) Having read this string, started with discussion about MR+ itself, I agree with Stu, and dont think slagging presenters off, is relevant to this thread. Nor for that matter do I agree that the cries of "taxpayers money" holds any credence either. As far as I understand MR, presenters and programmes are funded by government, anything else, and the extra needed for the presenters et al is funded by the commercial side (or why have one?)


6) All those slagging MR off have done so, seemingly, with reference to MR itself, which means that you have used the station albeit through airtime broadcast or it's internet site at some stage to be able to comment on it, therefore "your money" has been well spent; you have used/enjoyed/needed the Nation's Station at some point. If not point 1 in my post applies again and you're not acting, or posting in the most intelligent watyif that is the case, are you?


Thank you and goodnight <gets off her orange box>

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Ok quick hello to everyone and a congratulations to everyone for making me register and reply, for the first time in a year of reading these forums.


I have a couple of points to make, a few of which will echo those already stated in part by other users on this thread


1) You are all commenting on something that you don't fully understand as it has not yet been launched.


2) In order to comment on it and deliver opinion I suggest that you wait for it to be launched (beginning of April) and then give your opinions. You can do this by pre-registering



3) It is NOT a discount card, nor is it entirely correct to be calling it a "loyalty card". It looks to me to be what is widely known in the marketing business at this stage to be a Privilege Card. Exactly what that will mean for each of the companies signing up, I would imagine, will be up to them, be that something free or a discount etc.


4) The reason MR isnt divulging completely what it is at this stage, would again I imagine, be down to a well known marketing strategy; a teaser campaign. Which, given the comments on this firum already, has done it's job so is money well spent.


5) Having read this string, started with discussion about MR+ itself, I agree with Stu, and dont think slagging presenters off, is relevant to this thread. Nor for that matter do I agree that the cries of "taxpayers money" holds any credence either. As far as I understand MR, presenters and programmes are funded by government, anything else, and the extra needed for the presenters et al is funded by the commercial side (or why have one?)


6) All those slagging MR off have done so, seemingly, with reference to MR itself, which means that you have used the station albeit through airtime broadcast or it's internet site at some stage to be able to comment on it, therefore "your money" has been well spent; you have used/enjoyed/needed the Nation's Station at some point. If not point 1 in my post applies again and you're not acting, or posting in the most intelligent watyif that is the case, are you?


Thank you and goodnight <gets off her orange box>


Here we have it straight from the mouth of MR's marketing manager. ;)

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Maybe you don't understand it, because it hasnt been launched yet?!??!!




It is NOT a discount card, nor is it entirely correct to be calling it a "loyalty card". It looks to me to be what is widely known in the marketing business at this stage to be a Privilege Card. Exactly what that will mean for each of the companies signing up, I would imagine, will be up to them, be that something free or a discount etc.


You seem to know an awful lot about this as yet unlaunched product (just my observation)

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3) It is NOT a discount card, ...... be that something free or a discount etc.


So it IS a discount card? (at least in part)


down to a well known marketing strategy; a teaser campaign. Which, given the comments on this firum already, has done it's job so is money well spent.


What? Irritate people so they don't give a shit about the product? I've yet to see a local teaser campaign work. The last big one I remember was e-habitant, and we all know what happened to that.

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6) All those slagging MR off have done so, seemingly, with reference to MR itself, which means that you have used the station albeit through airtime broadcast or it's internet site at some stage to be able to comment on it, therefore "your money" has been well spent; you have used/enjoyed/needed the Nation's Station at some point.


That doesn't really follow. Use of a service or product alone doesn't determine its value - if someone buys a book only to find it's rubbish, the fact that they've read it doesn't mean it nevertheless represents money well spent.

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"So it IS a discount card? (at least in part)"


No, as I said, it's whatever a company decides it is, or should be, at any one point i.e to give something free or to enable someone to have a discount


What? Irritate people so they don't give a shit about the product? I've yet to see a local teaser campaign work. The last big one I remember was e-habitant, and we all know what happened to that.


Yes, it got talked about considerably on these forums, just as MR+ is being discussed, to quote you, you seem to give enough of a "s**t" to be commenting on it therefore the teaser campaign has worked/is working.



6) All those slagging MR off have done so, seemingly, with reference to MR itself, which means that you have used the station albeit through airtime broadcast or it's internet site at some stage to be able to comment on it, therefore "your money" has been well spent; you have used/enjoyed/needed the Nation's Station at some point.


That doesn't really follow. Use of a service or product alone doesn't determine its value - if someone buys a book only to find it's rubbish, the fact that they've read it doesn't mean it nevertheless represents money well spent.


To use your anaology, those that write, print and sell the book, have fulfilled their purpose once you buy it. If you decide it is rubbish fair enough....but you buying it, or in this case, to use the parallel, using the product/service you pay for (Manx Radio) justifies the spend as there is a need for it.

I'm not saying that once Manx Radio has your money, to produce the service, then tough luck if you like it or not. What I'm saying at this point, to quote another user's point, is to make your views known to MR and let them know how they could improve their service/product in your opinion.


I personally think Manx Radio is great. Don't get me wrong I'm the first to listen to Radio1 in the morning for Mr Moyles but as soon as there is a big news event on the Island, its MR I go to, either broadcast or website so I'm clued in to what's going on. I dont think I'm the only one, otherwise, as I've already said, there wouldnt be the level of comments on here that there is.

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"So it IS a discount card? (at least in part)"


No, as I said, it's whatever a company decides it is, or should be, at any one point i.e to give something free or to enable someone to have a discount


If it's a card that can get someone a discount then I'll call it a discount card. Something for free is a 100% discount



Yes, it got talked about considerably on these forums, just as MR+ is being discussed, to quote you, you seem to give enough of a "s**t" to be commenting on it therefore the teaser campaign has worked/is working.


Only to the extent that I now hope it falls flat on it arse and goes away as soon as possible. So if you'd call that a success I guess we must have different ways of measuring success.

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Only to the extent that I now hope it falls flat on it arse and goes away as soon as possible. So if you'd call that a success I guess we must have different ways of measuring success.


Why do you actively hope that? What good does that do anyone? Without knowing what it is completely why cut your nose off to spite your face?


Do us all a favour, pre-register and get it, then complain if you really must.....I'm coming to realise why your handle is as it is.

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Why do you actively hope that?


Because advertising campaigns like that irritate me


We're all bombarded with adverts these days. Some I like, some I'm indifferent to and others completely irritate me.


All teaser campaigns irritate me.


I'm coming to realise why your handle is as it is.


Don't make the mistake of believing it though. I can be a really nice person :lol:


BTW - Why do you find quoting so hard?

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To use your anaology, those that write, print and sell the book, have fulfilled their purpose once you buy it.


But that's not the same as money well spent. In the example given the customer has not been cheated, but he or she still has not spent the money well.


If you decide it is rubbish fair enough....but you buying it, or in this case, to use the parallel, using the product/service you pay for (Manx Radio) justifies the spend as there is a need for it.


That's not true though. I think you might be confusing the need for a broadcaster funded by the public with a specific need for Manx radio. A person can listen to MR, thinking that since they're helping pay for it they may as well get as much use out of it as they can, without feeling that it's money well spent or that the service is the best that it could be. What they feel they "need" might be very different to what they're actually receiving, and their use of present services reflects nothing more than a desire to make the best of a bad lot.


I'm not saying that Manx radio does fall short or is a "rip off", just that you can't use the single fact that people listen to it to say that it represents money well spent. Since people can't choose whether or not they want to help pay for MR, it's possible for them to listen to and enjoy aspects of its service but still feel that it doesn't represent value for money overall, or satisfy their needs - they continue to use the bits that they do only because they might as well.


I personally think Manx Radio is great... as soon as there is a big news event on the Island, its MR I go to, either broadcast or website so I'm clued in to what's going on. I dont think I'm the only one, otherwise, as I've already said, there wouldnt be the level of comments on here that there is.


This line of reasoning particularly confuses me. Yes there's a lot of comment here on MR, and there has been in the past, but a lot of it seems to be critical - this shows people are listening to Manx radio, but also that their listening experience has been disappointing.

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