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If you decide it is rubbish fair enough....but you buying it, or in this case, to use the parallel, using the product/service you pay for (Manx Radio) justifies the spend as there is a need for it.


That's not true though. I think you might be confusing the need for a broadcaster funded by the public with a specific need for Manx radio. A person can listen to MR, thinking that since they're helping pay for it they may as well get as much use out of it as they can, without feeling that it's money well spent or that the service is the best that it could be. What they feel they "need" might be very different to what they're actually receiving, and their use of present services reflects nothing more than a desire to make the best of a bad lot.


I'm not saying that Manx radio does fall short or is a "rip off", just that you can't use the single fact that people listen to it to say that it represents money well spent. Since people can't choose whether or not they want to help pay for MR, it's possible for them to listen to and enjoy aspects of its service but still feel that it doesn't represent value for money overall, or satisfy their needs - they continue to use the bits that they do only because they might as well.


I merely stated people had been/are listening to it then added th caveat of, if you don't like it, then let them know


I personally think Manx Radio is great... as soon as there is a big news event on the Island, its MR I go to, either broadcast or website so I'm clued in to what's going on. I dont think I'm the only one, otherwise, as I've already said, there wouldnt be the level of comments on here that there is.


This line of reasoning particularly confuses me. Yes there's a lot of comment here on MR, and there has been in the past, but a lot of it seems to be critical - this shows people are listening to Manx radio, but also that their listening experience has been disappointing.


Again incorrect, this comment doesnt show that I find MR disappointing, it simply shows, albeit by inference that I enjoy listening to Mr Moyles on Radio1 in the morning. As for me saying other people do, most of the comments on here are based on current information, so I must be correct.

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Again incorrect, this comment doesnt show that I find MR disappointing, it simply shows, albeit by inference that I enjoy listening to Mr Moyles on Radio1 in the morning. As for me saying other people do, most of the comments on here are based on current information, so I must be correct.


I didn't say that it shows you personally find it disappointing. You stated that the fact that MR usually generates a fair bit of comment here shows that a lot of people listen to it. This is true, but a fair proportion of their comments are critical and so this surely shows that although people are listening, they're not particularly happy about the quality of what's being broadcast.


In short, listening numbers alone do not immediately translate into a firm endorsement of the service being provided.

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You stated that the fact that MR usually generates a fair bit of comment here shows that a lot of people listen to it. This is true, but a fair proportion of their comments are critical and so this surely shows that although people are listening, they're not particularly happy about the quality of what's being broadcast.


I'm with you on that people seem to have a problem when other people provide honest feedback in relation to services they don't find particularly good. I'm happy to wait for Mr + though, I'm sure all will be revealed.

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I've got no problems with "honest feedback" to services etc. either. I just object to people giving opinions on something that they haven't yet been able to experience, and to that end, I registered for my card earlier this afternoon.


As I read it VinnieK was referring to MR not being very good, not specifically Mr +.

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OK. Time to go over old ground I think, for the newbie’s


1. Manx Radio is costing the tax payers money, yet it still wants to take local advertising which the other radio stations need to survive.


2. MR+ will need an administrator which therefore means it will cost money to run


3. Stuart Peters is NOT a journalist by trade, see is own biog on the MR site, (taxi driver, etc)


4. Alex Brindley is NOT the most popular DJ on the Isle of Man, contrary to his “official” website


5. Manx Radio IS a government quango, people working there are not living in the real world


6. MR’s management are not dealing with the fundamental problems at the station:


a. DJ’s/Presenters are not trying to improve their shows. Same dull links, same cheesy sayings, “put a smile on your face”. No radio station worth their salt would put up with such old fashioned 1970’s clichés. Its dull radio for just a few OAP’s, and mothers of DJ’s, who love the old Nicey and Smashie days


b. Mandate AM should be setting the news agenda for the day, not following up on weak government PR feeds.


c. The Mandate AM presenter is clearly bored and doing as little as possible to get though the programme. Same links in the same place every day. Just listen out for the same traffic and travel every day, (and twice during the hour!), also the constant use of UK audio news feeds .


d. The totally unacceptable inclusion of personal remarks by the Mandate presenter leaving everyone very clear on his position. The King of Mann interview must be an all time low in Manx Radio’s current affair history. Just compare that with stand-in presenter John Moss who shows how the programme can work. He gives it edge, he challenges the politicians, (and traffic news is kept to only the major items!)


e. The continual lack of hard hitting interviews with the decision makers. Example: the leader of the town council. He is interviewed, on tape, on a regular basis by the news editor. Up to five different “stories” are covered, which are dripped out over the week. The agenda is set by the town councillor; it should be set by the news editor. Never is any criticism or alternative views expressed, and remember this is from the news editor!

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OK. Time to go over old ground I think, for the newbie’s


1. Manx Radio is costing the tax payers money, yet it still wants to take local advertising which the other radio stations need to survive.


2. MR+ will need an administrator which therefore means it will cost money to run


3. Stuart Peters is NOT a journalist by trade, see is own biog on the MR site, (taxi driver, etc)


4. Alex Brindley is NOT the most popular DJ on the Isle of Man, contrary to his “official” website


5. Manx Radio IS a government quango, people working there are not living in the real world


6. MR’s management are not dealing with the fundamental problems at the station:


a. DJ’s/Presenters are not trying to improve their shows. Same dull links, same cheesy sayings, “put a smile on your face”. No radio station worth their salt would put up with such old fashioned 1970’s clichés. Its dull radio for just a few OAP’s, and mothers of DJ’s, who love the old Nicey and Smashie days


b. Mandate AM should be setting the news agenda for the day, not following up on weak government PR feeds.


c. The Mandate AM presenter is clearly bored and doing as little as possible to get though the programme. Same links in the same place every day. Just listen out for the same traffic and travel every day, (and twice during the hour!), also the constant use of UK audio news feeds .


d. The totally unacceptable inclusion of personal remarks by the Mandate presenter leaving everyone very clear on his position. The King of Mann interview must be an all time low in Manx Radio’s current affair history. Just compare that with stand-in presenter John Moss who shows how the programme can work. He gives it edge, he challenges the politicians, (and traffic news is kept to only the major items!)


e. The continual lack of hard hitting interviews with the decision makers. Example: the leader of the town council. He is interviewed, on tape, on a regular basis by the news editor. Up to five different “stories” are covered, which are dripped out over the week. The agenda is set by the town councillor; it should be set by the news editor. Never is any criticism or alternative views expressed, and remember this is from the news editor!



This is a fair summary of a second rate radio station, and I couldn't put it better myself.


I also hope that this MR+ falls flat on its arse (which it will). The adverts are so lame and annoying, it's beyond parody. A free goodie bag for the first 50 to register...woopee fucking doo. Your own exclusive club...FFS!


3FM and Energy FM must be laughing their tits off. :lol:

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3FM and Energy FM must be laughing their tits off. :lol:


That must be inbetween the constant whining they do to us any time anyone says anything negative about their own station. Manx Radio, to their credit, simply accept it as public opinion that everyone has a right to.


Considering that a fair bit of criticism of MR comes from the employees of other stations under anonymous names, not least in this thread, they do well to rise above this petty squabbling.

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I've got no problems with "honest feedback" to services etc. either. I just object to people giving opinions on something that they haven't yet been able to experience, and to that end, I registered for my card earlier this afternoon.


That's the problem with stupid teaser campaigns, they result in speculation. If you can't handle speculation, don't do stupid teaser campaigns.


Speculation in this case is going to be particularly cynical because we've seen this stuff before. It doesn't work. Name a single national multi-store discount card in the UK that's worked, ever? Do you think MR are the first company to think of such a thing?


Love your quotes above, it's not a discount card, it's a card that gives discounts. Superb!

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Heard something on the news this morning about the no smoking issue and pubs and the Railway on the quay was mentioned. What happened to the tie in between Manx Radio and the Railway? I never quite got what it was about and never visited the pub to find out.

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So what would someone gain from having one of these cards?, Also am I right in thinking that every radio has the ability to tune into more than 1 radio station?, why is half this thread filled with "Manx radio and its presenters are shite"?, If you don't like them listen to another station, simple really.


I don't listen to Manx radio (or energy or 3FM), although on a rare occasion i'll listen, like when they talked about the MER not running to Ramsey....

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