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To be fair to Manx Radio, it does the speciality programmes, the politics, the MGP/TT, sports, and other stuff really, really well. The light entertainment / info-mercial / breakfast show stuff isn't my cup of tea either - but that's the nature of those type of programmes, they are built around personalities, who you are going to like or dislike - personally I find Jonathon Ross, or any number of BBC djs far more objectionable than Stu and Alex - not that I'm a fan of the MR breafkfast show at all.


Two things I would say though - 1) Get rid of 'Manx at the Movies' or whatever it is - Manx people do not sound like that, it is not funny, it is offensive. 2) Sort out your terminology re: Manx, Local, National, UK, England, etc. For example, if you are calling yourself 'The Nation's Station' then stop referring to UK news as 'National News' please.

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Ooh I thought there was more to this than did meet the eye....I bee'd right as usual. Who is it? A rival off another station? or perhaps it's Suzi Richardson on crack?


Fair play to you Stu, you've always represented yourself and not hid behind a nickname. If manxmedia really is from a rival station, he needs to get some bollocks and put his name next to his accusations.


My guess is his surname rhyms with 'learner' :)


For what it's worth, I think it's perfectly acceptable that Manx Radio is partly funded by the government, same as I'm in favour of the BBC continuing to draw a license fee. I think the benefits are good value for the money.


I still recon a discount card is a bloody stupid idea though! There was more info on air about it today, an apparently 'exclusive' club. Exclusive in an open to all kind of way apparently.


No 'manxmedia' is NOT an MLC .... if that is what you are suggesting - but we believe he is a former employee of Manx Radio.


Manxmedia was not there at the same time as the person who 'rhyms with learner'.


I'm reliably informed that mr 'learner' couldn't give a toss what they are up to thesedays unless they particularly cross his path.

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Ooh I thought there was more to this than did meet the eye....I bee'd right as usual. Who is it? A rival off another station? or perhaps it's Suzi Richardson on crack?


Fair play to you Stu, you've always represented yourself and not hid behind a nickname. If manxmedia really is from a rival station, he needs to get some bollocks and put his name next to his accusations.


My guess is his surname rhyms with 'learner' :)


For what it's worth, I think it's perfectly acceptable that Manx Radio is partly funded by the government, same as I'm in favour of the BBC continuing to draw a license fee. I think the benefits are good value for the money.


I still recon a discount card is a bloody stupid idea though! There was more info on air about it today, an apparently 'exclusive' club. Exclusive in an open to all kind of way apparently.


No 'manxmedia' is NOT an MLC .... if that is what you are suggesting - but we believe he is a former employee of Manx Radio.


Manxmedia was not there at the same time as the person who 'rhyms with learner'.


I'm reliably informed that mr 'learner' couldn't give a toss what they are up to thesedays unless they particularly cross his path.


As a member of the staff at Energy FM, I can guarantee you that 'Manxmedia' is not our Saturday Breakfast show presenter 'Mr Learner'. I will however be more than happy to draw a picture of manxmedia for whoever is interested.

As a taxpayer of the Isle of Man, I can't wait to get my MR+ Card, and hopefully I'm one of the first 50 people to sign up so I can get my free Manx Radio Mug, Car sticker, Mouse mat, Fridge magnet, Pen and The Nations Station Book.

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As a member of the staff at Energy FM, I can guarantee you that 'Manxmedia' is not our Saturday Breakfast show presenter 'Mr Learner'. I will however be more than happy to draw a picture of manxmedia for whoever is interested.

As a taxpayer of the Isle of Man, I can't wait to get my MR+ Card, and hopefully I'm one of the first 50 people to sign up so I can get my free Manx Radio Mug, Car sticker, Mouse mat, Fridge magnet, Pen and The Nations Station Book.


I got mine today, I'm number 1059, so I'm guessing I missed out on those goodies you mention.


Of course, it's not a discount card but the letter says I will use my card for 'fantastic offers', the card says on it 'to qualify for offers', and that 'current offers' may be found at manxradio.com.


It tells me to go to manxrdio.com/mrplus to validate my membership with my card number, but I can't see anywhere to actually do that, and all the info on that site is about pre-registering. I'm guessing they're sending out the cards before the service is live, daft.


Still to be convinced, but it's looking like a discount card to me...

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As a taxpayer of the Isle of Man, I can't wait to get my MR+ Card, and hopefully I'm one of the first 50 people to sign up so I can get my free Manx Radio Mug, Car sticker, Mouse mat, Fridge magnet, Pen and The Nations Station Book.

I've nearly saved up enough points to get me some ear plugs.

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No offence taken Slim - but if you're going to slag any of us off, at least learn how to spell puerile and get a basic grasp of grammar.


And whilst the boy Brindley doesn't need (or probably want) any help from me responding to the more vitriolic posters here, I'd just like to say that if anything on the radio annoys you THAT much, there are lots of alternatives to posting your bile in public. Thick skin goes with the territory, but would you like to see YOUR pals* referred to in such deeply offensive terms?


DJ's aren't all 'annoying twats'. The best raise radio to an art form. I had to stop my car on the hard shoulder of the M56 once because I was laughing so hard at Steve Wright that I was a danger to other road users. Mark and Lard often had the same effect. If you want wall-to-wall music that you like, buy an Ipod...radio caters for people who want a bit of company, information and chat.


*Ooops - just spotted a schoolboy error! Of course, you don't HAVE any pals do you...


Absolutely spot on. There used to be a guy on Rock FM that had me do the same on 2 occasions. Also, if they find DJ's annoying, switch off, no one's forcing yhem to listen.

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I was feeling a little under the weather, but reading this thread has cheered me up no end :lol:


It's not "man flu" is it? :rolleyes:


I've got my card, and it says something about "fantastic offers", and it "must be presented at the time of purchase".


Otherwise, it all still seems to be a huge secret what it's all about, other than it's "the Island's biggest club" - and that's before it got any members :)


I shall wait and see what it's all about, though, before I pass any comment.


And as for MR - when I come back from visits across, where I listen to Radio 2, I find the style and content of broadcasts to be of a reasonable standard here. There are some presenters on Radio 2 that I find 10 times worse than that Brindley feller. Is it time, though, to give Brindley a break and let him get up a bit later in the morning, so we don't have to wake up to him? Is it just because he's cheerful in the morning when everyone is getting up with the grumps that most people on this thread have got it in for him? Is he the only one who can get up early enough on a regular basis? Must say I wouldn't like to have to get up at 4 every morning (have done it for a while in the past, but not for more than a few weeks at a time).

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The early starts are a killer, and I'm up an hour later than The Boy Brindley. I have the alarms set for 0515 so I can check out news sites and emails before I go to work at 0630 to prepare Mandate for air at 0730.


I'm naturally a night owl too - although the benefit of an early shift is that I'm not in bed till noon and then up until the early hours (except at weekends).


It's not the early starts that are the problem - once your body clock adjusts it becomes a routine like any other. The biggest challenge is the complete lack of a social life - if I'm not in bed by 9pm I'm completely wrecked the following day. I've been trying an afternoon nap and staying up later, but that doesn't seem to work.


Someone told me when I started that I'd go nuts after 2 years. It's five this autumn...and I still can't think of anything I'd rather do (except be Dave Gilmour or Lewis Hamilton).

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Great start sending out letters with a sentance repeated in them, which direct you to a website that isn't up yet.


I only signed up out of curiosity, I have no intention of using it as I agree with previous comments that I would expect a business to offer the same offers and discounts, regardless of if I am in "the islands biggest club" or not.


Since I can't login or activate it on the day it arrived it'll probably just end up in a drawer and get forgotten about anyway.


Finally. I'm guessing that at 1059 Slim only just missed out by 9 places on his free mug. I'd be very suprised if there are cards in existence numbered under 1000.


PS - It's a few years since I did web security stuff, but is it really good practice to have a user name and e-mail within a URL, and so stored in the history for all to see. I wonder who did the penetration testing against the site for them, bearing in mind the DB will be full of local names and addresses.

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Someone told me when I started that I'd go nuts after 2 years. It's five this autumn...and I still can't think of anything I'd rather do (except be Dave Gilmour or Lewis Hamilton).
Both yourself and Dave Gilmour are doing a fine job. Place reserved for you in the local looney bin, bed next to mine !
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