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Poor Pubs

Port Erin

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Brace yourselves for the latest price hike from H & B within the next 2 weeks.


I quote from www.thepublican.com yesterday...


Breweries are raising beer prices for the second time this year, leading to the £4 pint. The companies blame an 'unprecedented' rise in the price of energy and raw materials. Draught and bottled Stella Artois, Beck's and Tennent's lager, all owned by brewery InBev, will go up by about 3p a pint tomorrow (Monday), while in two weeks' time Carling and Grolsch drinkers will also see 3p added to a pint.Tetley's bitter will follow in the first week of October, while Marston's, the Wolverhampton-based brewery behind Pedigree bitter, is adding 10p to a pint. 'We have done everything possible to limit the price increase, but there have been unprecedented levels of increases in raw materials in recent months,' said Stephen Oliver, managing director of Marston's Beer Company.


Factor in the VAT on top of this, 22% gas rise on 1 August, 16% MEA price rise on 1 September, recent freight hikes on the SP, minimum wage increasing on 1 Oct to £6 a hour and I reckon we could be faced with another rise of between 10-15p a pint minimum.


No wonder the pubs are quiet nowadays :(

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H & B raised a price of a pint by at least 7p a pint as from Monday, as predicted by me a couple of weeks ago. Surprising how this has gone unnoticed in the local media (for now).


I agree that the cost of living is rising, etc but in this current economic climate, it's a bit of a piss take to expect the public to pay more for what is a rip off anyway.


The pubs deserve to sink here, and the Island wouldn't be much worse off for their loss - given how shite they are.

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Brace yourselves for the latest price hike from H & B within the next 2 weeks.


I quote from www.thepublican.com yesterday...


Breweries are raising beer prices for the second time this year, leading to the £4 pint. The companies blame an 'unprecedented' rise in the price of energy and raw materials. Draught and bottled Stella Artois, Beck's and Tennent's lager, all owned by brewery InBev, will go up by about 3p a pint tomorrow (Monday), while in two weeks' time Carling and Grolsch drinkers will also see 3p added to a pint.Tetley's bitter will follow in the first week of October, while Marston's, the Wolverhampton-based brewery behind Pedigree bitter, is adding 10p to a pint. 'We have done everything possible to limit the price increase, but there have been unprecedented levels of increases in raw materials in recent months,' said Stephen Oliver, managing director of Marston's Beer Company.


Factor in the VAT on top of this, 22% gas rise on 1 August, 16% MEA price rise on 1 September, recent freight hikes on the SP, minimum wage increasing on 1 Oct to £6 a hour and I reckon we could be faced with another rise of between 10-15p a pint minimum.


No wonder the pubs are quiet nowadays :(


But that 3p a pint is the increase from the supplier to wholesale, so by the time it gets from wholesale to retail to the public its 15p a pint as you say in the last paragraph. So if its only 7p a pint here then we are lucky.

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I was expecting the worst from H & B, and I don't think that we're lucky to be hit with at least 7p price rise (at least the 3rd this year) in a time of economic uncertainty.


The fact that the pubs are quiet, have no character and we're paying at least 60-70p a pint more than you would pay in a UK city centre pub speaks volumes from where I'm sat.


Lack of competition here and the public deserves better.

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The Royal in Ramsey re-opened last week it looks really nice, me and my mate went in last Sunday asked for 2 pints of Carling and was told sorry dont sell carling just beers from around the world!!!!?????? do you sell cans of carling I asked, NO said the landlord in a loud voice saying we dont want them kind of drinkers in here...... :o 2 pints of ......looking at the pumps on the bar .. PERONI please thats £7.30 please :angry: my mate had to pick me up anyway looking round the pub I notice the same people sitting round from the old royal .


There was a price list on the table okells £2.50 all other pints of beer £3.65 and a 220ml (Small bottle) of coke £1.20 this place wont last long me thinks.

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i cant believe this thread you lot paying through the nose for drink, being served by rude surley ignorant staff who obviously dont enjoy their work. you spend most of your night trying to catch the attention of of some uneducated idiot who is serving and chatting to their mates. ending the night defending yourself from some hooded moron who cant hold his drink. then to get home you have to try to find an overpriced taxi to allow you to pay through the nose to travel two miles, sitting in someone elses vomit or worse. i on the other hand have friends over for the evening with reasonably priced booze from tesco served in warm friendly surroundings. not having to worry about pissheads or ignorant staff. and no rip off taxi for me, or my guests, just a pleasant evening. i would love to see all the pubs on this island close, and all of these greedy landlords sent packing. lets open a few more tescos instead and put them all out of business. H&B could hike their prices as much as they want to then

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all of these greedy landlords sent packing. /quote]


That is the problem, there are very few pubs with landlords running them as their own business, they are mainly managed houses running them within a corporate framework rather than being the 'local'.

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The Royal in Ramsey re-opened last week it looks really nice, me and my mate went in last Sunday asked for 2 pints of Carling and was told sorry dont sell carling just beers from around the world!!!!?????? do you sell cans of carling I asked, NO said the landlord in a loud voice saying we dont want them kind of drinkers in here...... :o 2 pints of ......looking at the pumps on the bar .. PERONI please thats £7.30 please :angry: my mate had to pick me up anyway looking round the pub I notice the same people sitting round from the old royal .


There was a price list on the table okells £2.50 all other pints of beer £3.65 and a 220ml (Small bottle) of coke £1.20 this place wont last long me thinks.



This is just typical of H & B not knowing their market and forcing their ideas of a good pub on to the public. They tried this concept with The Railway in Douglas, and it has fallen flat on its arse (partly due to a wingnut of a Manager that lets all the toerags in to run riot).


They really haven't got a clue. Who is going to pay £3.65 a pint just now, this side of Christmas and in the current economic climate?


As for the landlord not wanting 'those type of people that drink Carling'...he clearly doesn't know his market, is trying to make an ill conceived idea work and this type of pub will not work in Ramsey.


Lack of decent management, high prices and refurbished pubs that are not aimed to attract their target market seems to be H & B's strategy...they deserve all they get.


2009 will be interesting.

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The Royal in Ramsey re-opened last week it looks really nice, me and my mate went in last Sunday asked for 2 pints of Carling and was told sorry dont sell carling just beers from around the world!!!!?????? do you sell cans of carling I asked, NO said the landlord in a loud voice saying we dont want them kind of drinkers in here...... :o 2 pints of ......looking at the pumps on the bar .. PERONI please thats £7.30 please :angry: my mate had to pick me up anyway looking round the pub I notice the same people sitting round from the old royal .


There was a price list on the table okells £2.50 all other pints of beer £3.65 and a 220ml (Small bottle) of coke £1.20 this place wont last long me thinks.



This is just typical of H & B not knowing their market and forcing their ideas of a good pub on to the public. They tried this concept with The Railway in Douglas, and it has fallen flat on its arse (partly due to a wingnut of a Manager that lets all the toerags in to run riot).


They really haven't got a clue. Who is going to pay £3.65 a pint just now, this side of Christmas and in the current economic climate?


As for the landlord not wanting 'those type of people that drink Carling'...he clearly doesn't know his market, is trying to make an ill conceived idea work and this type of pub will not work in Ramsey.

Lack of decent management, high prices and refurbished pubs that are not aimed to attract their target market seems to be H & B's strategy...they deserve all they get.


2009 will be interesting.



Have you not heard lager is in terminal decline, the only beers in growth are real ales and specialty beers from "around the world"

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Peroni is Italian lager and you'll find that most of the draught beers in The Royal will be lager of some sort; going off The Railway concept that hasn't worked either.


I see Martin Brunschweiller and H & B are bleating on again about tough trading conditions. It's funny how a few pubs are bucking the trend and are as busy as ever...Jaks and The Queens on Douglas Promenade spring to mind.


Give the public what they want at prices they are prepared to pay, and you will be fine. Rest on your laurels and moan about it without using your imagination, and you deserve all you get.


Continually ramping up prices is not going to entice people out of their homes and in to the overpriced, empty pubs.

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