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Poor Pubs

Port Erin

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In many ways the pub is something of an anachronism, and harks back to a time when, basically, the working classes had bugger all going for them at home, and wanted somewhere to escape for a few hours where they could get pissed.


Now we've all got satellite and big tellies and games consoles and comfy sofas and a massive selection of cheap booze at the supermarkets and any number of takeaways who'll bring the food of our choice to the front door - why the hell go out to some shitty pub, get deafened by horrible music, and run the gauntlet of armies of aggressive chavs looking for a scrap out in town?


There are a few of us at work who periodically have a night out, but it's now months and months since we've bothered, we all kind of mutually came to same decision - 'It's a bit shit really, isn't it?'


Douglas in particular makes for an appalling night out, for all the reasons already stated above, the police do seem to be making an effort to maintain a visible presence, but quite frankly they're badly outnumbered by pissed-up numbskulls itching for trouble.

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In many ways the pub is something of an anachronism, and harks back to a time when, basically, the working classes had bugger all going for them at home, and wanted somewhere to escape for a few hours where they could get pissed.

Now we've all got satellite and big tellies and games consoles and comfy sofas and a massive selection of cheap booze at the supermarkets and any number of takeaways who'll bring the food of our choice to the front door - why the hell go out to some shitty pub, get deafened by horrible music, and run the gauntlet of armies of aggressive chavs looking for a scrap out in town?


Exactly right. Pubs used to be the only place you could buy booze, now off licenses are everywhere. Pubs used to be the only way you could meet people, now you've got the interwebnet. They're outdated, there's still a place for them, but there's simply too many. The smoking ban may have accelerated the death of some pubs, but that's not the root of the problem.


There are a few of us at work who periodically have a night out, but it's now months and months since we've bothered, we all kind of mutually came to same decision - 'It's a bit shit really, isn't it?'


Aye, I'd far rather have folks round my gaff or go to a resteraunt than sit in a pub.

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I've little sympathy with H&B's. My local proudly displays rows of Carling Cans which are promoted through a lot of pubs, once the punter gets used to drinking this cr*p it's only a small step before they realise its cheaper to buy the cans in the supermarkets and they stop buying it in the pubs.


IMO a pub should sell draught beers/lagers etc and wines and spirits, when they started selling alcopops etc they set themselves up to fall victim of the supermarkets.


Perversly a look at the H&B website will show that they now own the CI Newsagents group which operate the Spar and Pickwick shops round the Island including one in Ramsey where they recently advertised to obtain an off-license.

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I've never understood why they sell cans of Carling. It seems to be a Ramsey thing, I've never noticed it in Douglas pubs.


Are the landlords in Ramsey too lazy to clean out their pipes or is it that Ramsey people think there is nothing more delicious than beer out of a can

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I've never understood why they sell cans of Carling. It seems to be a Ramsey thing, I've never noticed it in Douglas pubs.

Are the landlords in Ramsey too lazy to clean out their pipes or is it that Ramsey people think there is nothing more delicious than beer out of a can


Tesco's are currently doing 18 x 440ml cans of Carlsburg for £6.50. 36p a can, cheaper than coke.

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I've never understood why they sell cans of Carling. It seems to be a Ramsey thing, I've never noticed it in Douglas pubs.


Its probably for Mikey One-Can's benefit (I think thats his nickname anyway) - the bloke who wanders the streets all day howling like a loon with a constant supply of Carling cans...bless him.

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I see The Waterloo has now gone.


I wonder where the next casualty will fee? Probably The Clarendon I reckon


They've applied to knock down and rebuild the Clarry and the farmers shop next door, probably including the douglas too.

Not exactly beauty spots at the moment, are they?



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You forgot to include Wine Bars full of bad mannered BMW driving, Becks drinking, label wearing, premature ejaculating, wannabe yuppies


They were sad cunts in London 1986, so taking 22 years to emulate a bunch of one-dimensional wankers makes our local version look all the more ridiculous


Another compelling reason to stay at home with a takeaway and a pack of supermarket beer



well said !

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I see The Waterloo has now gone.


I wonder where the next casualty will fee? Probably The Clarendon I reckon


They've applied to knock down and rebuild the Clarry and the farmers shop next door, probably including the douglas too.

Not exactly beauty spots at the moment, are they?



I agree.


Trouble is, the plan they have at the moment will cost £3.5m, which they will just never make back. Especially looking at all the comments on here about people drinking at home.

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i was changed £3.20 for a pint of bud in Douglas the other day, wont be making that mistake again.


there was something on the beeb recently how people are now taking in turns to host evenings at their homes, just get some cheap supermarket booze in a couple of oven pizzas and a film and get some mates around, good night in.


Works out about no more than £10 per head whereas a night out in Douglas drinking same amount of booze & eating a pizza (including taxis club entry and whatnot) can easily clear £50 each (more if you are unfortunate enough to live outside Douglas/Onchan area).


fuck the pub.


also why the hell are clubs still playing the same exact crap music that used to be played in the cave 12 years ago?

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