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Poor Pubs

Port Erin

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Great shots :) Well done Amadeus, a town for skinny people in them thar days :rolleyes:


Im not relly expert but that front shot of the Douglas looks to be a classical Georgian style and, whereas we have many great Victorian edifices, we have few of this type and style, maybe Castletown but not Douglas, shame to see it go, there is so little left of the original quay


I think the face of Douglas is a protected building, as is the staircase and the smugglers tunnels underneath.

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I haven't seen em, just told by a family member. You don't want to go down there tho, it stinks to high heaven. Went down there a few months ago to help change a barrel, it made me gag.


You'll notice the recent demolition app was just for the farmers and the clarry, not the douglas.

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I think the face of Douglas is a protected building, as is the staircase and the smugglers tunnels underneath.

What? Tunnels?


/charges camera

That area of Douglas is riddled with tunnels, it was notorious for it and they turn up all over the show. In the Albert cellars the tunnels/cellars ran off under the roads---they are now bricked up.



At the roundabout on Fort Street, by the Police shop ---my old man was on the road gang building the original in the 50's, half way thru the construct it collapsed into old cellars, still with crates and bottles :cool:

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they arn't tunnels but cellars (? blackwater cellars) - used originally as storage places (Black was in the import/export trade - the English referred to it as smuggling) but they now are waterlogged - possibly they were originally also used as boat house somewhat like Quayle's boathouse (Peggy) in Castletown - visit Castle street Peel for great examples of long cellars.

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The Old Market Inn's coal cellers are beneath the road in Chapel Row.


Walk along Athol St and you can see most of the building have coal cellers beneath the pavement too. Look for coal hole covers or over the railings for them.

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£3.08 for a pint of Carling in my local. we'll get the usual price hike for TT, then there's usually a review of prices in Septemeber and of course the annual Christmas hike. Looks like we should be on about £4 for a pint by Christmas. 4 pints at £36, £8-£10 taxi fare home and wake up the next morning with fack all change from £50 for 4 pints!! At least hangovers won't exist anymore.

I don't drink Carling but I can see Guiness and Grolsch being more.

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£3.08 for a pint of Carling in my local. we'll get the usual price hike for TT, then Looks like we should be on about £4 for a pint by Christmas. 4 pints at £36, £8-£10 taxi fare home and wake up the next morning with fack all change from £50 for 4 pints!!


4 x £4 = £16.

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Looks like we should be on about £4 for a pint by Christmas. 4 pints at £36, £8-£10 taxi fare home and wake up the next morning with fack all change from £50 for 4 pints!! At least hangovers won't exist anymore.


I'd change pubs if I were you, you're certainly being ripped off! Four pints @ £4 = £16 not £36.

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I did not realise that there were so many whingers and people with chips on their shoulders until I started reading this Forum.......they are full of people who are against profits, against Wall Street wannabees, against progress, and obviously very much against the use of cogent argument without the need to resort to filthy language.


Surely these people that are commenting here cannot all be Manx born and bred stock and, therefore, you must be mostly comeovers?!!!!


The brewery being a company started and built to be about profit should be, and are, allowed to charge what they like. It is up to market forces to see that the prices they are charging are too high and, when that happens, for them to enter into that market as competition to the brewery to take their business away by charging less - I believe that this is where and why Bushy's came into the business and they do not seem to have made much of a difference to the brewery do they? If they had, surely the prices would be where you want them or they would be out of business.....!!!


Maybe the prices that are being charged ARE the best they can do with the costs that they have to support - that is probably an indictment as to the management more than their thirst for profit!


Incidentally, if they were making these vast mystical profits, why did Castletown Brewery and Okells cease to exist and "were amalgamated into" H&B?


Honestly people, the fact is businesses will charge what they can get away with but, if they overcharge or overdo it, it is a very short term proposition as competition would see them out of business. They are certainly not in business to sell at a price that customers believe they want to pay.....ie nothing!!


Supermarkets have begun to say publicly (before the UK Government makes them) that they should not encourage binge drinking and should look at ways at reducing alcholic intake. However, over the last few weeks.....when they have all begun saying this.....they have launched yet even more cut price sales of alcohol which shows how duplicitous they really are.


The reasons that Supermarkets sell booze at the price they do, and I am ashamd that I have to point this out, is that customers want the booze and they can sell it as a loss leader and not for profit per se!


Some points about pubs in IOM:


1. Pubs in the Isle of Man have always been pretty damn poor and what is now missing are the decent landlords who had direct and total control over the pubs they ran as tenants rather than managers. Can anyone say that the Creek in Peel was anything much more than a hovel really yet in Robert Mcaleer they had a host who attracted custom from all walks of life despite the pretty awful beer and food at pretty expensive prices!!


2. Pubs are no different now than they always have been here or in the UK - the working class, the middle class and the so called Wall Street Wannabes have never felt comfortable in the same pub (or at least in the same room within the pub) unlike Ireland where you can go into any pub and every one just gets on with each other, conversation and enjoying themselves.


3. Pubs have never really thrived and it is a common misconception to think they did. Other than week ends and perhaps, in some pubs, the hour and half after work.....when could you go out and "bump into" a mate without having first organised to? The truly local pub really has not been in existence here for many, many a long year.


If I were looking at getting into a business in the IOM....and because the population is so small and geographically spread I would not be....I would look at running a decent taxi business, charging sensible rates, employing presentable cheerful staff and looking to change the culture as to their usage. From there, we might even encourage people to go out more and may even then improve the pubs but remember, you get what you deserve in this life and maybe, just maybe, that is why we have the pubs we do!!!

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I did not realise ................ pubs we do!!!

If you have one of these




then now might be a good time to try it out....







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I did not realise that there were so many whingers and people with chips on their shoulders until I started reading this Forum.......they are full of people who are against profits, against Wall Street wannabees, against progress, and obviously very much against the use of cogent argument without the need to resort to filthy language.


Fuck off :P

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