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Sam Barks - I'd Do Anything


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The face on the chap getting off the plane says it all to me. The cabin girl says 'Welcome to the Isle of Sam' and he just looks at her with a bemused 'What the hell are you talking about' look on his face.


The Isle of Ham might be more appropriate!


Its a shame to lumber this young girl with all this baggage. She seems to be doing well and is well liked by the public and then some tawdry publicity stunt is pulled because she is getting good media coverage and someone spots an opportunity to look like they're doing something to promote the Island for 5 minutes.

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In all changes in the world, the substance remains, and the accidents alone are changeable or to put it another way, is the “we” who existed before the change still the same “we” which existed after the change?





How very profound - not!

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I'm not really sure about the Isle of Sam thing but if it helps her feel better and let's her know the there's people her backing her, all well and good.


But then we have a good record of not supporting our own home grown. Whether it's by the government or the people.


David Knight = Mutliple World Champion Enduro.


Neill Person and Family = Mutliple World and UK Martial Arts Champions.


Ruth Vondy = UK Champ and Comonwealth Games Gold Medal in Judo.


The Cavandish Family, to much to note in cycyling.


The Kennish Family in the same.


Kevin Maddigan and the Isle of Man Football Team.


The Womens Football Team.


The Rugby Union Team, as in Vaga.s Douglas, Ramsey and more..


In Martial Arts,


You have , John Kennish, Tom Houghton, yes the MHK, Allan Rudduck, Robbie Quirk, Brian Clague, Neill Pearson, his wife, and more who have trained, fought and learned from the best that the UK and the World has to offer.



But then we still manage to get to the Old Manx Crab?


I'm Manks and will and still do, follow my country folk, no-matter what. Fair enough Neills not Manks but he has and still carries the Manx Flag wherever he competes and puts the Isle of Man on the map.


So, you people who like to slagg someone or anyone off who tries to better themselves, and be proud of where they come from, post here what YOU have done please.

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So, you people who like to slagg someone or anyone off who tries to better themselves, and be proud of where they come from, post here what YOU have done please.


Who's actually slagged her off then?

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I don't think i said they were slagging her off.


What i said was that there were people who were slagging cailing it the Isle of Sam, off.



She has done no harm and it lets more people know where the Isle of Man is.


To many people who've done jack shit like to find fault with people who DO make a difference. My opinion, that's all.


PS, I'll wait for the posts shall I ?

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@ Celt


I'm glad you mentioned our roll-call of honour, and for a small Island, what an impressive one it is. I'm sure there are many more worthy of note on the side of the arts: - Dr Jeremy Paul, or Rick Tomlinson for example, but my points, and I'm sure those of the majority remain the same...


a) Whilst I [we] wish Sam all the best, this was a 'cheap' stunt, which devalued the Island's 'heritage' and everything the Island stands for. The only reason it [the Island] was rebadged was for a television programme. This was predicted to be a bad idea [it will neither attract additional tourists, nor promote the business sector in a good light] and it was


b) The roll-call you mention, and indeed in Sam's; where is the Government backing under normal condition? Nowhere, the sports grant is pitiful and I believe Sam was refused a performing arts grant [or some such]


So, in summary, there is no [at least for my part] slagging of the individual(s) you cite, but I vehemently abhor what our minister for tourism has done and laugh at the irony of it all

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So, you people who like to slagg someone or anyone off who tries to better themselves, and be proud of where they come from, post here what YOU have done please.
I don't think i said they were slagging her off.


The evidence doth call you a big fat liar.

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Yup - not surprised that she was turned down for a performing arts grant - our gov would rather subsidize the retirement of Status Quo!


Don't get us wrong Celt, I am very, very proud of Sam and all the folk you mentioned. What I hate is that when the UK says "Jump!" the Manx say "How high, Massa?" A BBC producer suggests to our government that we change the name of our country for a joke and the good minister looks around at the rest of the island and sees how much of it has been given daft new English names, realizes we have no pride in who we are and says yes.


Anyway, this sort of embarrassment is no surprise - but Sam's performances on the show so far have been. I have to admit though, I don't think I have voted for her yet. I wouldn't normally willingly pay money to the BBC, but I rang the number just after the show last week, but all I got was a flat tone - does that mean I voted? Or do you have to keep trying to get through?

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So, you people who like to slagg someone or anyone off who tries to better themselves, and be proud of where they come from, post here what YOU have done please.


I don't think anyone was slagging Sam off at all and actually I'd say the opposite in that most were very supportive. The thing that rubbed off on me, as someone else mentioned, is the fact that you get no gov support for any of this stuff and yet the minute you manage to get a name for yourself up pops some shit idea to get a politicians ugly mug on the box.


Basking in someone elses reflected glory is actually very cynical if you ask me.

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What I hate is that when the UK says "Jump!" the Manx say "How high, Massa?" A BBC producer suggests to our government that we change the name of our country for a joke and the good minister


I thought it was more likely that the PR firm employed by our government suggested it, than it being at the behest of the BBC. Apart from that the allusion to the plight of slaves totally works though - we should really send a Manx delegation to the next big NAACP conference to show our solidarity with our fellow oppressed brethren.


To be fair to the government, they do offer a lot of support to those who want to better themselves through education. Granted, it's not quite in the same league as social virtues like musical theatre, competitive face mashing, or chasing after glory on the cycle track - the most it ever produces is a boring old doctor or nurse, but it's something at least.

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If only the UK had changed it's name to the United Cliffdom they might have foiled Fascist Franco's fiendish plan.


”The regime was acutely aware of the need to improve their image ... and the way Massiel Sam was turned into a national hero - it seems a bit excessive for a song festival but it all served to glorify the regime,”


Amazing! I broke Godwin's Law in this thread.

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I don't think i said they were slagging her off.


What i said was that there were people who were slagging cailing it the Isle of Sam, off.



She has done no harm and it lets more people know where the Isle of Man is.


To many people who've done jack shit like to find fault with people who DO make a difference. My opinion, that's all.


PS, I'll wait for the posts shall I ?


Very good points and I have trained with most of the Martial Artists mentioned and also entered international tounaments with them.

The big point here is that unless you hit the big screen you are not worth a mention becuase the Government are more interested in getting thier face in the big picture!! Amongst my many hobbies I am also a member of the Manx Operatic Society, (as is Sam) and I would love to see her win and have no doubt that she could do this with her talent alone.. I only hope that the Government's little advertisong ploy doesn't piss too many people off and change any future votes.

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Aren't these things supposed to be talent contests - not 'vote for the person who lives closest to you' shows?

Yet usually on these types of programmes, you get some talentless sob story case in the final few purely because their hamster has died or they're from Scotland.

And then once it's over they're back to performing at weddings and seedy clubs - their dreams of stardom shattered and alcoholism just a few wine gums away.


These programmes should be banned. Or not judged by the public at least.

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The voting procedure and all its hype seem to be only another method of raising cash on the phone calls.


The winner is not really judged by the public anyway as there is always the final decision of Andrew Lloyd Webber, whatever happens, and putting his decision down to two makes his job a lot easier. I'm glad of course that Sam Barks has not been in the sing-offs yet as she definitely has the makings of a star.


Besides, the BBC will see there is a lot more mileage to be had out of those Isle of Man phone calls yet.

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