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Sam Barks - I'd Do Anything


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Just saw a bus with a huge poster thing down the side "I'd do anything, on the Isle of Sam".


Who is paying for that? and what's it supposed to achieve? It really is all a bit embarrasing.


Ha ha ha - no it isn't its brilliant!


Well done Sam, your performance on Saturday night was outstanding - I've been on holiday hence my delayed messages of support.


I work in an office of about 40 people and we all had a good laugh today at the ridiculous negative comments of some of the morons on this forum about how 'embarrassed' they are about our islands support for Sam. Its great to see the support of the Manx people and to be reassured that the Manx Crabs in this thread are in the (wierd) minority.


Surely Sam will be in the final now and you are making us all very proud.


Keep it up Sam - not far to go now!!!

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Just saw a bus with a huge poster thing down the side "I'd do anything, on the Isle of Sam".


Who is paying for that? and what's it supposed to achieve? It really is all a bit embarrasing.


Ha ha ha - no it isn't its brilliant!



Not in my opinion. Even if I thought it cringe worthy or not I could see the point if they were doing the advertising on buses in the UK to bring awareness about the IoM to the UK. What I fail to get is why are we doing the whole visit the Isle of Sam thing in the Isle of Man. Surely anybody who will see it is either a resident or by definition already visits the IoM.


I get the impression that the tourist board feel they must do something, that this is something so this is what they should do.


I had the "privalege" of sitting behind Carol Glover once on the boat to Liverpool. She was discussing matters merrily away to one of her colleagues and I have to admit I was so appalled I nearly interrupted her to tell her that in my opinion she was spouting rubbish.


OK it is only my opinion and she may well be right but I am probably the sort of person they are looking to attract to the IoM. A parent happy to holiday in the UK with a young family. Not too penny conscious & just looking to go somewhere there are things to do in reasonable close proximity as a family day out. Listening to her speak I just thought she was giving the impression that she had no idea of what sort of things would appeal to families like mine.


I work in an office of about 40 people and we all had a good laugh today at the ridiculous negative comments of some of the morons on this forum about how 'embarrassed' they are about our islands support for Sam. Its great to see the support of the Manx people and to be reassured that the Manx Crabs in this thread are in the (wierd) minority.


Surely Sam will be in the final now and you are making us all very proud.


Each to their own and I am fairly ambivalent on the matter as I do not watch the show. But whilst she may be making many oy you proud I am as you say fairly ambivbalent on the matter so you may wish to amend your future statements to "you are making all but one of us very proud"


Whether this makes me weird or a moron I am not sure, I always thought that a moron related to lack of intelligence. As obvioulsy you are not lacking in this department I am surprised that you have still not got the point that the majority of us are not embarressed by the Islans support for Sam, As I say I am fairly ambivalent. What I am embarrassed about is if it is done in a cheap, tacky and tawdry way which in my opinion some of the IoM promotion has been to the extreme.


A similar point was made when the IoM was featured in an episode of coast when some felt the Interview with a film extra equally did not present the IoM in the best light

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Just saw a bus with a huge poster thing down the side "I'd do anything, on the Isle of Sam".


Who is paying for that? and what's it supposed to achieve? It really is all a bit embarrasing.


Ha ha ha - no it isn't its brilliant!



Not in my opinion. Even if I thought it cringe worthy or not I could see the point if they were doing the advertising on buses in the UK to bring awareness about the IoM to the UK. What I fail to get is why are we doing the whole visit the Isle of Sam thing in the Isle of Man. Surely anybody who will see it is either a resident or by definition already visits the IoM.


I get the impression that the tourist board feel they must do something, that this is something so this is what they should do.


I had the "privalege" of sitting behind Carol Glover once on the boat to Liverpool. She was discussing matters merrily away to one of her colleagues and I have to admit I was so appalled I nearly interrupted her to tell her that in my opinion she was spouting rubbish.


OK it is only my opinion and she may well be right but I am probably the sort of person they are looking to attract to the IoM. A parent happy to holiday in the UK with a young family. Not too penny conscious & just looking to go somewhere there are things to do in reasonable close proximity as a family day out. Listening to her speak I just thought she was giving the impression that she had no idea of what sort of things would appeal to families like mine.


I work in an office of about 40 people and we all had a good laugh today at the ridiculous negative comments of some of the morons on this forum about how 'embarrassed' they are about our islands support for Sam. Its great to see the support of the Manx people and to be reassured that the Manx Crabs in this thread are in the (wierd) minority.


Surely Sam will be in the final now and you are making us all very proud.


Each to their own and I am fairly ambivalent on the matter as I do not watch the show. But whilst she may be making many oy you proud I am as you say fairly ambivbalent on the matter so you may wish to amend your future statements to "you are making all but one of us very proud"


Whether this makes me weird or a moron I am not sure, I always thought that a moron related to lack of intelligence. As obvioulsy you are not lacking in this department I am surprised that you have still not got the point that the majority of us are not embarressed by the Islans support for Sam, As I say I am fairly ambivalent. What I am embarrassed about is if it is done in a cheap, tacky and tawdry way which in my opinion some of the IoM promotion has been to the extreme.


A similar point was made when the IoM was featured in an episode of coast when some felt the Interview with a film extra equally did not present the IoM in the best light

I vote for Andrew Lloyd Webber as Nancy and Graham Norton as Oliver - Oh my God (Gaia), look at the size of my telephone bill!

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Samantha doesn't seem extra popular with the other girls though. She is always on the outside while hugs of congratulation or condolence are shared among the other girls. This Sunday she had to embrace the second safe Nancy - there was no one else there!


Three reasons:-


1. She is not a naturally tactile person.

2. She is not popular with the others.

3. She has decided not to get drawn into the world of faux cameraderie and is focussed on the job in hand - winning!

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I watched Sam's audition sing off on YouTube last night because i didnt see it on the show, she was in with Jessie, Niamh and another who was eliminated. Webber said one of them was/could be world class and not being able to recall a bad word about her from Webber in the shows i've seen, i think it could only be Sam that he meant. She was the best of the 4 in that instance.


Agreeing about the hugs, she's usually the last one there, missing out completely at one point on Sunday night. That said Jodie always has to be the first one there and if i was Sam's size I'd stand back for fear of being knocked over. Jodie may be fun and outgoing to some, but she's also loud, obnoxious, full of self importance and well practiced at being the centre of attention. That could be forgiven if she had the talent to perform, but she doesn't. I can only think that her votes come from the same people that would say BB's Nikki was riviting TV.


Rachel doesn't get on with Sam, they've picked each other a couple of times when asked which girl shouldn't be Nancy. Niamh and Sarah did get on with her but they're gone.


For the first couple of shows I would have put Sam 3rd behind Jessie and Rachel, but she's shot way ahead of them as they have tired over the duration of the series and Sam has grown.

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Funnily enough, the one I would pick for Nancy would be Jodie. Not because of her talent, but purely because she has this bosomy thing which fits more with the Nancy I have in mind (you know, wily, street wise, ostensibly under Bill Sykes' thumb but, underneath, the nearest thing to a mother-figure Fagan's boys have).

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Sorry Insomniac, but a slim Jodie really!


Sam has demonstrated she has immense talent and I wish her all the very best. Even if she loses this one she really has been catapulted to a position to go very far. She may not be Nancy, but I think she will find herself presented with opportunities she had never dreamt of - well done gal!

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Jodie might be Blackpool's Meatloaf - but she has been the only one left from the island of Great Britain since Ashley left, and is getting full support from the UK gossip mags. Nevertheless, it is obviously a two horse race - Sam or Jessie - on recent performances it looks like Sam.

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I work in an office of about 40 people and we all had a good laugh today at the ridiculous negative comments of some of the morons on this forum about how 'embarrassed' they are about our islands support for Sam. Its great to see the support of the Manx people and to be reassured that the Manx Crabs in this thread are in the (wierd) minority.

You miss the point again. For many of us it doesn't matter who's in the competition or who wins it, just the fact that millions of pondlific morons like you are getting used to watching this kind of crap and accepting it as entertainment, when there are plenty of seasoned entertainers available to make Saturday nights entertaining again - on which the BBC should be spending our money - instead of this cheap-to-make irrelevant auditioning bullshit that is normally done behind the scenes or in karaoke pubs. There's nothing weird about that, it's about standards and value for money.

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There's nothing weird about that, it's about standards and value for money.




Which is exactly why these types of shows end up with a Scot, a Welsh, Irish, Northerner, brassy southerner, local yokel in their line up.....it polarises the viewers to end up voting in some sort of misguided sense of patriotism. A fool and their money etc etc.....

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There's nothing weird about that, it's about standards and value for money.


Thirded!! Imagine the concept of a succesful song/ playwrite being paid for the auditioning of his leading lady, making money from phone votes, increasing TV ratings, then going on and running a succesful show and franchise making millions. Surely this could never make good T.V.? Wait... have I missed something here?


Personnally I've not seen a show, don't intend to, but wish Sam all the best as she obviously deserves it.


Whatever happened to sensible entertainment like opportunity knocks, stars in their eyes and the black and white minstral show? Bring back love thy neighbour :lol:

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You miss the point again. For many of us it doesn't matter who's in the competition or who wins it, just the fact that millions of pondlific morons like you are getting used to watching this kind of crap and accepting it as entertainment, when there are plenty of seasoned entertainers available to make Saturday nights entertaining again - on which the BBC should be spending our money - instead of this cheap-to-make irrelevant auditioning bullshit that is normally done behind the scenes or in karaoke pubs. There's nothing weird about that, it's about standards and value for money.


The figures speak for themselves, if it's entertaining for so many, it's entertainment and good value. No matter what your personal snobbishness makes of it.

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