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Sam Barks - I'd Do Anything


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Like the Sultan I broke my anti-reality TV rule to watch tonight. She is good, but I wouldn't say a clear winner; the last lass was superb, but that song is a bit of a gift really - if you can sing it you are almost home and dry. I wish Samantha luck, but even if she doesn't win this contest, I am sure there is plenty out there for her.


Nice to see a Manxie doing us proud, well done kiddo!

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Sam survives another week!!


Fantastic - personally I think she's brilliant. She looks great, sounds great and, as somebody else has mentioned, the judges (with the exception of Barrowman) think she's ace too.


I've voted for her 3 times each weekend. It makes me SO proud to be a come-over. I've even got my family across voting for her!



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Did she sail through or was she one of the two in the sing off? Just caught the very last bit tonight so I don't know how comfortably she got through this week.


She sailed through. :D

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She was one of the ones who didn't have to sing off.


The results were eeked out though, `a la Chris Tarrant, even pretending one girl might have to sing when in fact she was safe.


A bit - post-187-1208733540_thumb.gif - but it was actually quite entertaining when they sang the losing girl off.


I managed to watch to the end and was glad I did. There is only so much Graham Norton one can stomach. The show was followed by The Bafta (or something) Awards - presented by . . . . . . Graham Norton, for which he would have received even more BBC licence fees money and then there was later The Graham Norton show.


How many £million do we pay him a year?


The guy must have the best agent in the world.

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How many £million do we pay him a year?

Around £2.5M a year, which coincidentally, is around what Isle of Man residents pay in total for licence fees each year.


Just proves that at the BBC it's not only Paul Daniels that can manage to make £2.5M dissapear with a poof!

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