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Isle Of Man Prison


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Are you suggesting then that to refuse prisoners a right to smoke is too great a punishment?


It is not the issue that it is too great a punishment but rather it is additional removal of prisoners freedoms. The reasons for its impementation would seem to be part and parcel of the nationwide ban on smoking in enclosed spaces but the impact of this on people's freedoms is far greater than it is for the rest of the population. It would seem to have nothing to do with giving prisoners an extra punishment but is essentially that. Whereas the rest of the population are forced to accommodate others by moving outside of a pub (for example) to smoke the prisoners have no recourse to do the same. They are being forced to give up, which I think is wrong.


Now yes it maybe a persons right to smoke but there is also people that don't so its 50/50 regarding the human rights.


I think maybe prison workers should be informed that prisoners are allowed to smoke when they take up the job.

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suprise suprise... I make a comment in a topic, and you come back criticising it based on my religion - yet, you'd rather religion not feature on this forum at all.


Is it so... that because I am religious, I am not allowed to have a negative attitude on crime? You have no clue on what forgiveness in Christianity even means, so don't you try and criticise me with it.


I suppose some are the under the strange impression that as a Christian you are more forgiving than other people or are supposed to have a better moral code than those people.

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suprise suprise... I make a comment in a topic, and you come back criticising it based on my religion - yet, you'd rather religion not feature on this forum at all.


Is it so... that because I am religious, I am not allowed to have a negative attitude on crime? You have no clue on what forgiveness in Christianity even means, so don't you try and criticise me with it.


I suppose some are the under the strange impression that as a Christian you are more forgiving than other people or are supposed to have a better moral code than those people.


That may be the suggestion, but that's not at all what they think - nor is it relative to Christianity itself. People who spout off that I should be more forgiving because I am a Christian are only trying to make an issue with my posts.


No where in my original post did I make any statement relative to "forgiveness".


On the point of forgiveness in Christianity however, it is not true to suggest that a Christian should simply forgive everyone who commits crime. It is essential that there is justice in all things, and this is clearly demonstrated through Christianity. How could society be contained if there was no justice? If man was free to steal, abuse and kill - how would any of us be alive today? To suggest that Christians should "turn the other cheek" and allow criminals to go on uncontained is ridiculous - and a blatant misunderstanding of Christianity.


While Christians may be more forgiving.... it surely doesn't mean that a Christian cannot encourage appropriate punishments be given to those who commit crime. That is justice.


So people, make up your mind! What society do you want to live in? One where criminals are free? or one where criminals get caught and face justice?

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DJ Dan = forum drama addict.



While you are free to say what you like, I do not quite know what it is you expect of me.


If you were called a "judgemental arsehole", and also accused of calling someone "scum".... would you not respond? Oh I bet you would. Especially more so, if there really was no grounds for such words directed at you.


What generally happens in a public forum, is that where someone makes a post, another will respond to that post, and another... and on and on. All I do is repond to the posts - yet for me, that's being a "Drama addict".


What you would love is absolute silence, but I'm never going to go down that route. The part that you hate, is that I actually respond to people, and don't let them get away with what they say.


Unfortunately, this will go on and on and on.


As I said before, it doesn't matter where I post, or what I post about - people will come along and make personal issues with what I say. If you were in any way neutral, you would admit that. Just the other day, I made a post about £5 million..... yet people accused me of blabbering on about my religion again - totally unrelated. Here, I have made a comment about smoking in prison - and again, people come in and make issue with what I say, again bringing it back to the same issues of religion etc.


If it was anyone else making the comments that I do, there would be no reaction. Because it is dj_dan making those comments, there are reactions across the board. That is my point.

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A bit off topic but:


About christians and forgiving and all that.


I know one very holier than thou prominent charismatic christian on the Island who has a habit of sticking his dick into other peoples wives. Presumably with no problem as far as the conscience is concerned because the "forgiveness" card can always be played, even if the husband doesn't want to forgive.


I can handle christianity as a concept and in small doses but when it gets twisted and used to cover up hypocrisy then I start to gag.

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DJ Dan = forum drama addict.



While you are free to say what you like, I do not quite know what it is you expect of me.


If you were called a "judgemental arsehole", and also accused of calling someone "scum".... would you not respond? Oh I bet you would. Especially more so, if there really was no grounds for such words directed at you.


What generally happens in a public forum, is that where someone makes a post, another will respond to that post, and another... and on and on. All I do is repond to the posts - yet for me, that's being a "Drama addict".


What you would love is absolute silence, but I'm never going to go down that route. The part that you hate, is that I actually respond to people, and don't let them get away with what they say.


Unfortunately, this will go on and on and on.


As I said before, it doesn't matter where I post, or what I post about - people will come along and make personal issues with what I say. If you were in any way neutral, you would admit that. Just the other day, I made a post about £5 million..... yet people accused me of blabbering on about my religion again - totally unrelated. Here, I have made a comment about smoking in prison - and again, people come in and make issue with what I say, again bringing it back to the same issues of religion etc.


If it was anyone else making the comments that I do, there would be no reaction. Because it is dj_dan making those comments, there are reactions across the board. That is my point.


Case in point.

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While Christians may be more forgiving.... it surely doesn't mean that a Christian cannot encourage appropriate punishments be given to those who commit crime. That is justice.


So people, make up your mind! What society do you want to live in? One where criminals are free? or one where criminals get caught and face justice?


But the reason why TheBees, or I think the reason, why he/she took issue with your original response was because you seemed to say "So what" to questions about smoking in the prison and imply that prisoners shouldn't have any entitlements to anything if they have committed a crime.

It is not simply that you have a negative attitude to crime but you have a specific attitude to what life should be like for prisoners in prison. So it was a bit 'uncaring' to reply to Andy25 post by sharing those views, and a little sarcastic too.

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So, as you see, your cousin will have a jolly time amongst the most caring and tolerant peoples on the face of the earth.

We accept everybody and cater for every belief imaginable.

I hope he enjoys his stay.

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If they do the crime they do the time, fuck human rights stick them in a cell basic food a pot to piss in and total boredom no radio no tv no contact, then the shits may think twice about fucking peoples lives up for their own gain. oh as a footnote drink drivers no pot let the arseholes wallow in thier own filth.


If this happens to offend anyone who has been in prison for a crime or a convicted drink driver let me just say I don't care you deserve it. :angry:

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Jim - if you dont mind me saying...thats a bit harsh on the poor drinking and driving people - most of them are aged 55+ and drove before it was really bad to drink and drive.


Anyway - Smokers have rights too - you are all sucked into the governments nanny scamming - Drinking kills way more people than smoking does and they only pussy foot around with the legislation and still permit the sale of the cider that has more addictive chemicals in that heroin (or something like that) - I wonder if anyone has questioned the motives behind this ban, perhaps the manufacturers of the patches have lots of shareholders in the government. Perhaps it has more to do with money than health - I mean why do they want to prolong lives? There is an abundance of old aged pensioners, living beyond their time, a lot of them lonely and miserable because their lives are boring and they are not bodily able to function as they used to. The pension bill for all this life prolonging - tsk tsk tsk.


DJdan - You took time to find my post about the prison :o , I have always thought that those in prison have a better life than those on the outside (my friend was having meat to eat while I was living on stir fries of tomatoes herbs, because I had a princely £5.00 per week food budget) so yes, it is more appealing. I am not afraid of going to prison. Cleared up?

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Anyway - Smokers have rights too - you are all sucked into the governments nanny scamming - Drinking kills way more people than smoking does and they only pussy foot around with the legislation and still permit the sale of the cider that has more addictive chemicals in that heroin (or something like that) - I wonder if anyone has questioned the motives behind this ban, perhaps the manufacturers of the patches have lots of shareholders in the government. Perhaps it has more to do with money than health - I mean why do they want to prolong lives? There is an abundance of old aged pensioners, living beyond their time, a lot of them lonely and miserable because their lives are boring and they are not bodily able to function as they used to. The pension bill for all this life prolonging - tsk tsk tsk.


As justifications for one's own addiction go, that's really quite creative. (if a load of bollocks).

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Jim - if you dont mind me saying...thats a bit harsh on the poor drinking and driving people - most of them are aged 55+ and drove before it was really bad to drink and drive.


That like saying we shouldnt be harsh on M*K's just because they started taking backhanders before it was unpopular to do so. :thumbsup:

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