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Isle Of Man Prison


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If they do the crime they do the time, fuck human rights stick them in a cell basic food a pot to piss in and total boredom no radio no tv no contact, then the shits may think twice about fucking peoples lives up for their own gain. oh as a footnote drink drivers no pot let the arseholes wallow in thier own filth.


I didn't realise all criminals were drink drivers! It may make them think but it might just be "I am bored in here".


QUOTE(thebees @ Mar 26 2008, 12:43 PM) *

Anyway - Smokers have rights too - you are all sucked into the governments nanny scamming - Drinking kills way more people than smoking does and they only pussy foot around with the legislation and still permit the sale of the cider that has more addictive chemicals in that heroin (or something like that) - I wonder if anyone has questioned the motives behind this ban, perhaps the manufacturers of the patches have lots of shareholders in the government. Perhaps it has more to do with money than health - I mean why do they want to prolong lives? There is an abundance of old aged pensioners, living beyond their time, a lot of them lonely and miserable because their lives are boring and they are not bodily able to function as they used to. The pension bill for all this life prolonging - tsk tsk tsk.



As justifications for one's own addiction go, that's really quite creative. (if a load of bollocks).


I certainly do not think the issue is one that is all to do with health. Maybe it is about saving money for healthcare treatment.

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If they do the crime they do the time, fuck human rights stick them in a cell basic food a pot to piss in and total boredom no radio no tv no contact, then the shits may think twice about fucking peoples lives up for their own gain. oh as a footnote drink drivers no pot let the arseholes wallow in thier own filth.


Aren't the prisoners already living in what you've just described.

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If they do the crime they do the time, fuck human rights stick them in a cell basic food a pot to piss in and total boredom no radio no tv no contact, then the shits may think twice about fucking peoples lives up for their own gain. oh as a footnote drink drivers no pot let the arseholes wallow in thier own filth.


Aren't the prisoners already living in what you've just described.


Well if they are looking for sympathy tell them to look in the dictionary, it's between shit and syphilis

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Well if they are looking for sympathy tell them to look in the dictionary, it's between shit and syphallis


I don't know if they're looking for sympathy or not, but if they are, I'm sure you'll tell them.

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While Christians may be more forgiving.... it surely doesn't mean that a Christian cannot encourage appropriate punishments be given to those who commit crime. That is justice.


So people, make up your mind! What society do you want to live in? One where criminals are free? or one where criminals get caught and face justice?


But the reason why TheBees, or I think the reason, why he/she took issue with your original response was because you seemed to say "So what" to questions about smoking in the prison and imply that prisoners shouldn't have any entitlements to anything if they have committed a crime.

It is not simply that you have a negative attitude to crime but you have a specific attitude to what life should be like for prisoners in prison. So it was a bit 'uncaring' to reply to Andy25 post by sharing those views, and a little sarcastic too.


My initial post was based on the suggestion given that it was too hard on the prisoners to ban smoking too. I have my own views on that matter, but the responses to my post were completely uncalled for.


I'm not exactly the first to reply to another's post with sarcasm... nor am I the first to not appear so "caring".

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DJdan - You took time to find my post about the prison :o , I have always thought that those in prison have a better life than those on the outside (my friend was having meat to eat while I was living on stir fries of tomatoes herbs, because I had a princely £5.00 per week food budget) so yes, it is more appealing. I am not afraid of going to prison. Cleared up?


I didn't "take time" to find your post, I knew it was there because I was aware of the topic. A quick search produced the goods.


The point being, and you have confirmed it there - that you also feel that prisoners have a better life - or at least, a certain quality of life that is decent and good.


I don't quite see then, how your comments are much different to mine:

"I hear that the new prison is going to be real cushy... so don't worry too much about your cousin. He'll probably enjoy a greater quality of life than the rest of us... though ya, he may face the torment of that cigarette ban!!!!"


Are we not both suggesting that prisoners have a better quality of life?


Why then did you respond to my comments with:


"You are being a bit judgmental with your sarcasm there. Not very christian of you. Something I tend to find about all the Christians I know, quite happy to be forgiven themselves but arent so forthcoming with forgiveness for others, bunch of hypocrites."


Are you not therefore also "being a bit judgemental", considering that you also said "I have always thought that those in prison have a better life than those on the outside". ??

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A quick comparisson:


This is my original post


It would have made people really stressed if they were forced to give up.


aye.. prison is a hard life after all. It is indeed a cruel punishment - not even being able to smoke - after comitting crime.


I hear that the new prison is going to be real cushy... so don't worry too much about your cousin. He'll probably enjoy a greater quality of life than the rest of us... though ya, he may face the torment of that cigarette ban!!!!


We have to deter crime somehow on this island...!


For which I received:


You are being a bit judgmental with your sarcasm there. Not very christian of you.


Very charitable you over judgemental arsehole.


This is the comment made by jimbms:


If they do the crime they do the time, fuck human rights stick them in a cell basic food a pot to piss in and total boredom no radio no tv no contact, then the shits may think twice about fucking peoples lives up for their own gain. oh as a footnote drink drivers no pot let the arseholes wallow in thier own filth.


If this happens to offend anyone who has been in prison for a crime or a convicted drink driver let me just say I don't care you deserve it. :angry:


For which he received:


Jim - if you dont mind me saying...thats a bit harsh on the poor drinking and driving people


Is it not fair to say, that Jim's comments were a lot harsher than my own?

Is it not fair to say that my comments received a greater reaction? and far more so, in consideration of the extremeties of the two posts (mine and jim's).


If I had responded as Jim had, I'd have 10 people swearing at me by now!!


I know I keep on saying it, but I will continue, until there is fair treatment around here - my posts are responded to in ways that are completely over the top and uncalled for. One rule for me, another rule for everyone else.

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I know I keep on saying it, but I will continue, until there is fair treatment around here - my posts are responded to in ways that are completely over the top and uncalled for. One rule for me, another rule for everyone else.

There's no better smell than a burning martyr.

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Maybe you should sit down,take off your magic white jits,make a cuppa and have a snout.Or go for a stroll on Douglas beach,you might find some golden tablets if your lucky


case in point.

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