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I was just wondering who it was that was standing in for Chris Kinley who was standing in for Alex Brindley this morning.


After Mandate I heard this 'strange' DJ (sorry, Radio Presenter) and wondered who it was telling me "that's the state of play" regarding the weather and "that's the state of play" regarding road closures etc. But no, there was no hint or proper explanation who it was and no thanks either, although Stu Peters did say whilst reviewing the newspapers that it was 'the boss'.


Well done whoever you are, having to stand in at a moments notice, you did an admirable job.


My gripe here is that this sort of mushrooming has happened on a number of occasions before. When a presenter leaves or is removed from the line-up there is rarely an explanation. Such as when Andy Wint, Roy Macmillan, George Ferguson et al left and were replaced. I don't expect them to leave in a blare of fanfares although I see no reason why not. I just expect to be informed who, why and where, or even just that they have left.


I find this apparent Manx Radio policy on how to 'move on' regarding presenters extremely discourteous and indeed arrogant, especially when you consider that the listener is propping up Manx Radio and their staff to the tune of 50%.

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I was just wondering who it was that was standing in for Chris Kinley who was standing in for Alex Brindley this morning.

It's the boss, Alex is on holiday, Chris is ill (man flu) - him what's presenting said this on the show this morning and explained what's what.

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Ah, I was only listening after Mandate.


"Man flu", jeez, the Manx Radio original phrase. Cue yet more continuous 'banter' between DJs (...sorry Radio Presenters) about 'man flu'. It seems hardly a day goes by when you don't hear a Manx Radio presenter being very amusing about their or another presenter's 'man flu'. The phrase is well past its 'sell by date'.


Almost as original as that weather guy who kept on saying "in old money" every f*cken day instead of just saying fahrenheit.


Yep, grumpy as ever today I am.

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I'll always remember watching Granada News a few years ago, it was the 5 min slot after the main ITN lunch time news. The news reader had a panic attack live on air and just sat there saying "I can't do it, I can't do it". Then it cut to a recorded news item, and when it went back to the studio some scruffy bloke, probably a cameraman or something, read out the news from a piece of paper.


That newsreader read out the news every day for years, but I never saw her again after that.

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Yes - He is the Programmes Controller. (or whatever the current title is!)

He's the one who doesn't seem capable of keeping rick on prats such as Williams and Brindley. (But TBH, having heard some of his OWN silliness this morning, we should not be surprised!)

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I'll always remember watching Granada News a few years ago, it was the 5 min slot after the main ITN lunch time news. The news reader had a panic attack live on air and just sat there saying "I can't do it, I can't do it".

It does takes specially trained labotomised-celebrity-type newsreaders to read out today's propaganda.

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Perhaps it's some brilliant strategy to make us all appreciate Alex Brindley when he does come back?


Stu Peters knows how to play music without gibbering - why not give him a couple of hours after he's finished with his page 3 review? Then there's Dan who knows what he's up to...


In fact, why not give Stu & Dan the whole station - we could call it STD radio :-)

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Perhaps it's some brilliant strategy to make us all appreciate Alex Brindley when he does come back?


Stu Peters knows how to play music without gibbering - why not give him a couple of hours after he's finished with his page 3 review? Then there's Dan who knows what he's up to...


In fact, why not give Stu & Dan the whole station - we could call it STD radio :-)

Well, they used to have a programme staffed by Ron Berry and Dee Lewis called Ron-Dee-Vous..

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How very DARE you suggest a programme named after a plague of venereal diseases? Or a method of making telephone calls? And I only EVER mention Page 3 in the paper review en passant (see - Sarkozy syndrome is setting in).


Will cop to the complaint from Nipper though about man-flu gags - but it still makes me giggle. Must try to avoid it if it irritates so much.


Marc Tyley was on the high seas (returning from holidaying across) when he got the call from Sicknote Kinley yesterday, and manfully stepped in with little sleep and no real chance to prepare - so I think he did a sterling job. Kinners WAS looking proper poorly yesterday - three jumpers and a scarf indoors and still shivering.


Sounds like ma.....

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