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Town Bans Sale Of Alcohol U 21's


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At last a bit of sense prevailing! Click Thing at least it will stop some of the wee uns getting their paws on alco pops! But it wont stop the irresponsible over 21's buying it for the u 21's.


Would like to see that happen here so that you can walk down the prom on a weekend night without tripping over or being run into by pissed up kiddies on skate boards!

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At last a bit of sense prevailing! Click Thing at least it will stop some of the wee uns getting their paws on alco pops! But it wont stop the irresponsible over 21's buying it for the u 21's.


Would like to see that happen here so that you can walk down the prom on a weekend night without tripping over or being run into by pissed up kiddies on skate boards!


Legal age is 21 in most US states isn't it? I wonder how their stats compare for anti social behavour? I'd be in favour of raising the legal age, but I probably wouldn't be if I was 17 :)

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This should be taken further here.


All kids should be locked up ( old prison available ) and only let out when they have evolved into financial advisors, property developers and other useful things beloved of the government. Those that fail to evolve, can be stored as replacement MHKs etc.

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Strikes me that if its legal to buy at 18 and a local authority and the police pressurise the shopkeepers to refuse to sell to you unless you are 21 that there may be Sale of Goods legal issues and that human rights are being infringed, and that there is direct age discrimination especially if you are one of the responsible ones aged between 18 and 21 who do not abuse alcohol.

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Strikes me that if its legal to buy at 18 and a local authority and the police pressurise the shopkeepers to refuse to sell to you unless you are 21 that there may be Sale of Goods legal issues and that human rights are being infringed, and that there is direct age discrimination especially if you are one of the responsible ones aged between 18 and 21 who do not abuse alcohol.

I'd have thought so too. I may be wrong about this but I think such a step was considered in Tauranga in NZ (where they have similar problems, especially at New Year) - I think they had to settle for a total ban on alcohol sales at certain times rather than a discriminatory ban due to NZ Human Rights Act. Shifting responsibility from local authority to shopkeepers doesn't make it any less discriminatory, only with this scheme I'd think the complaint would be against the shopkeeper rather than the local authority - which is maybe why the council didn't attempt to introduce a bylaw. Whatever, it does seem pretty dodgy.

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Shop keepers don't have to sell you anything, surely?

Just as B&B owners don't have to, but if they are refusing on grounds which are discriminatory - e.g. because you are homosexual, your race, or because of age discrimination, that is still direct discrimination. Consider if shopkeepers signed up to a scheme where they agreed to not serve non-whites.

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The usual non-thinking shortsighted 'punish all' solutions.


If you are under 21 (or indeed any age) and are pissed or causing any bother (or even on your way to doing so) whether you started drinking at home or not you shouldn't be served in any establishment - full stop. The rules are all already there - people just need to make sure the rules are enforced properly - with stiffer penalties for people that continue to serve arseholes or serve underage drinkers in pubs or off-licences.


Then let's start looking at the real causes of all this underage binge drinking, instead of politicians pointing fire extinguishers all over the place, and just looking for gobshite headlines 'to be seen to be doing something'.

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Off topic, but on the issue of discriminate selling,


A succesful local IOM software company refused to sell its software to a company run by homosexuals, on the grounds that they (the software company) were strict Christians. This happened a long time ago but, there is still some evidence on the Internet somewhere as a major gay publication picked up the story.

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The usual non-thinking shortsighted 'punish all' solutions.


If you are under 21 (or indeed any age) and are pissed or causing any bother (or even on your way to doing so) whether you started drinking at home or not you shouldn't be served in any establishment - full stop. The rules are all already there - people just need to make sure the rules are enforced properly - with stiffer penalties for people that continue to serve arseholes or serve underage drinkers in pubs or off-licences.


Then let's start looking at the real causes of all this underage binge drinking, instead of politicians pointing fire extinguishers all over the place, and just looking for gobshite headlines 'to be seen to be doing something'.


I think you are right on this one. I don't see why older adults should be allowed to buy alcohol if responsible younger adults cannot. But I don't like the idea of banning people younger than 18 be able to drink it, it is how much they have and what they do when they drink seems to be the problem.


I think politicians are picking up on the view held by a lot of people in the UK that alcohol leads to crime and they are just running with the idea.

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