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Fuel Price Up Again


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just been into town and i see thay put 1p on the price again,

bloody glad i filled up yesterday, £90 a week its costing me now,


Well you will go buying bloody big yellow vehicles! Get yourself one of these:



i wish that only used £90 a week,

was just talking about me normal car,

119.99 in milestone now,

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i do remember that back in 96'ish diesel was 42.9 pl so its quite reasonable for prices to have nearly trebled in 12 years :whatever:


wouldn't be so bad if they spent some of the money on alternatives, but it would cost me over twice what i spend on commuting fuel to get the bus every day.

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1.10 euro in Spain...filled up yesterday....that's only 88pence at or about todays exchange rates even though pound has fallen some 15% against the euro in two months (would have been about 78p before)!!


Maybe something more to do with tax than prices charged by oil companies but always found it strange that all petrol supply outlets...whoever owns them...charge exactly the same to the decimal point in the Isle of Man?


Strange that when you consider that there are no monopolies and no price fixing cartels as stated by the old IOM Government.... :cool:

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If you run a diesel car and its of the fairly modern well made variety then you can run it fine on bio fuel I get mine from the garage as you come out of Laxey coming towards Douglas Fairy cottage I think its called costs under £1 a litre, I've run mine on bio for about 5 yrs now and find it better, in fact if you run a BMW, Audi, Merc, Volvo etc you will find it doesnt even effect your warranty, I do believe the same now goes for ford vauxhall and toyota and an added bonus its a kick in the bollocks for the shell and total cartel monopoly here

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If you run a diesel car and its of the fairly modern well made variety then you can run it fine on bio fuel I get mine from the garage as you come out of Laxey coming towards Douglas Fairy cottage I think its called costs under £1 a litre, I've run mine on bio for about 5 yrs now and find it better, in fact if you run a BMW, Audi, Merc, Volvo etc you will find it doesnt even effect your warranty, I do believe the same now goes for ford vauxhall and toyota and an added bonus its a kick in the bollocks for the shell and total cartel monopoly here



This runs of biofuel too:



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1.10 euro in Spain...filled up yesterday....that's only 88pence at or about todays exchange rates even though pound has fallen some 15% against the euro in two months (would have been about 78p before)!!


Maybe something more to do with tax than prices charged by oil companies but always found it strange that all petrol supply outlets...whoever owns them...charge exactly the same to the decimal point in the Isle of Man?


Strange that when you consider that there are no monopolies and no price fixing cartels as stated by the old IOM Government.... :cool:


Not true. Brown Bobby is more expensive than the Total on the same road, I'm sure there are other examples.

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If you run a diesel car and its of the fairly modern well made variety then you can run it fine on bio fuel I get mine from the garage as you come out of Laxey coming towards Douglas Fairy cottage I think its called costs under £1 a litre, I've run mine on bio for about 5 yrs now and find it better, in fact if you run a BMW, Audi, Merc, Volvo etc you will find it doesnt even effect your warranty, I do believe the same now goes for ford vauxhall and toyota and an added bonus its a kick in the bollocks for the shell and total cartel monopoly here



In the small print of the uk budget it was anounced that the duty on biofuel/lpg will be rising to the same level as petrol/diesel. :angry:

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OK, spare the tears but


'i do remember that back in 96'ish diesel was 42.9 pl so its quite reasonable for prices to have nearly trebled in 12 years'


Yours may have but my salary hasn't even doubled since 96 ish nor have many others, I suspect. Cut the government tax extortion and we'd not have to complain so much.

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Oil prices have trebled in the last 5 years alone, so for road fuel to have trebled in 12 years doesn't seem that bad to me.


Not sure how taxing road fuel is extortionate, given the miriad problems buring it causes: pollution, health, damage to buildings, the noise of their engines.


It is absolutely untrue that petrol costs the same in all the Island's outlets.

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Not sure how taxing road fuel is extortionate, given the miriad problems buring it causes: pollution, health, damage to buildings, the noise of their engines.


and that makes it ok to tax it well over price,


It is absolutely untrue that petrol costs the same in all the Island's outlets.


you find it is,

at any one point you find that there is only ever 1 ppl diffrence in the price, normaly its the same

total seam to have a price war on at the moment its 1ppl cheaper, :rolleyes:

and u prob find next month its shell who is the 1ppl cheaper,

the simple fact is that the 2 main supplys of fuel in the island work with each other to keep the price the same,

there never will be a price war of fuel prices between them as thay both lose cash, so work together,


the simple fact is it dont cost 5ppl to import it in the island, what ever thay say, thay talking out of there ass, and that is a fact,

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