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Games - Ban This Sick Filth


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This is a class quote even by daily mail standards:




"Dr Tanya Byron, the television psychologist whose study was commissioned by Gordon Brown, said allowing children to play on computers unsupervised is as dangerous as letting them play outside on their own. "


Imagine, letting childredn go outside! On their own! The horror! The inhumanity!


Then Anne Diamond goes on to review a load of games that have been rated as unsuitable for kids, and deems them........unsuitable for kids! Shock horror!


Some fine work there, especially the picture, which appears to show kids with an N64 controller playing on a dvd player:




Ha, just noticed the main pic:




No wonder she things games are bad for you, they appear to have chopped her in half!

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But sometimes games do directly inspire violence: Only last night I wanted to go out and kill something after I loaded up CoD4 only to be told that my stats file had become corrupted and its contents reset.

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I love the verdict on CoD4 - 'You're kicked in the face and then shot - dead - and it feels pretty real.'


Obviously she has some kind of extra peripheral that's not readily available in the shops, a MurderTron Hob-Nailed Booted Motherfucker 360 or something.


In her TV-AM days, Anne Diamond was worth a prod.

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I love the verdict on CoD4 - 'You're kicked in the face and then shot - dead - and it feels pretty real.'


Impressive that she has experience of being kicked in the face and then shot dead and can tell us about it.

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I love the verdict on CoD4 - 'You're kicked in the face and then shot - dead - and it feels pretty real.'


Which, since that part's a cinematic sequence, is surely only true if similar footage from films "feels pretty real". My favourite bit of her verdict is:


"The fight scenes include exploding bombs, spattering blood, and dogs having their necks wrung"


Without any context this makes it sound like some grim game where the main purpose is to murder dogs in apocalypse town - no doubt the befuddled minds of elderly Daily Mail readers are imagining some kind of sadistic version of pacman where you receive points and power ups for every dog you kill.


I think I'll take my advice from someone other than an ex-presenter of banal morning TV who used to share airtime with Roland Rat.

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COD has a +16 cert dosnt it?


You can join the army at 16 and kill for real so whats the problem. Moaning bastards have nothing better to do and they are shit at gaming. I think cooking for under 16 year olds is dangerous, you wont get them moaning about that and there are more cookery programmes than you can shake a shitty stick at on nowadays.


Oh but Diamond is prolly good at cooking so she wouldnt dare have a moan about it. Khoonts.

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all games should be banned! totally, agree.


God which would you prefer? playing a game to take your anger out of virtual people and having a bit of banter...




Going down the street and smashing windows and kicking of at random people because your pissed off?


Obviously the second one!.....


She is pathetic!

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