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Pants to the smoking ban, I have just had to brave the wild weather to sneak a puff - bloody ridiculous! As for prolonging my life, do me a favour - don’t bother!


It's not yours I'm bothered about - it's mine... :P

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I had to laugh at my mum yesterday (a reformed smoker), she is glad the about the smoking ban because she will not have to suffer second hand smoke any more, how much did it bother her when I was a baby? hypocrite! How about when I was in the car with her as a child? she was always smoking.


What about MDF? When will they ban that? thats worse than second hand smoke and half of you have houses full of the crap! (I made the half bit up)

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Im still at work aren't I? I work 10-4.....


If you were working you wouldn't be 'sneaking' outside for a smoke now would you...if you take 5 or 6 minutes to smoke whilst nonsmokers are still working then shouldn't they be able to stop work for that same amount of time..seems to me that smokers take advantage of those that don't smoke and don't actually do as much work, as you're costing the company more with your 'sneaky' smoke breaks...

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Old scrote my dear, you are missing the point - I used to be able to smoke in my office (which is all mine, no one is supposed to come in - big No Entry sign on the door and everything) - now I have to go outside. No one else suffers because I am out smoking, I still have my work to do - no one covers for me or has any extra work to do because I am not there - it is my job and my work! It is me who is being inconvenienced because I have to go out in the freeezing cold just to smoke! So I will quit my job and become an artist or full time knitter. I am not giving up smoking. Humph!

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Old scrote my dear, you are missing the point - I used to be able to smoke in my office (which is all mine, no one is supposed to come in - big No Entry sign on the door and everything) - now I have to go outside. No one else suffers because I am out smoking, I still have my work to do - no one covers for me or has any extra work to do because I am not there - it is my job and my work! It is me who is being inconvenienced because I have to go out in the freeezing cold just to smoke! So I will quit my job and become an artist or full time knitter. I am not giving up smoking. Humph!


Given that last rant, are you sure you're not in the process of giving up because you sounded quite narky !!! ;)

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Old scrote my dear, you are missing the point - I used to be able to smoke in my office (which is all mine, no one is supposed to come in - big No Entry sign on the door and everything) - now I have to go outside. No one else suffers because I am out smoking, I still have my work to do - no one covers for me or has any extra work to do because I am not there - it is my job and my work! It is me who is being inconvenienced because I have to go out in the freeezing cold just to smoke! So I will quit my job and become an artist or full time knitter. I am not giving up smoking. Humph!


As if you are going outside for a smoke....

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Would I be complaining about the freezing wind if I was still smoking in work? I'm the self appointed 'No Smoking' officer - I have asked for a special badge and a cap with gold braid on, when I have secured the items listed, I shall walk about looking important with a clip board and multiple bulldog clips and a huge bunch of gangling keys. I'm not really that bothered, I just hate being told what to do and there are far worse things than smoking that are ignored.

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Would I be complaining about the freezing wind if I was still smoking in work? I'm the self appointed 'No Smoking' officer - I have asked for a special badge and a cap with gold braid on, when I have secured the items listed, I shall walk about looking important with a clip board and multiple bulldog clips and a huge bunch of gangling keys. I'm not really that bothered, I just hate being told what to do and there are far worse things than smoking that are ignored.


No bluetooth headset to put on your ear?


Shame on you

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Dear Ms Bees,


Please allow me to join your fanclub and become your number one stalker.


Let's dispense with significant others and head off into the sunset together on a voyage of wanton high-speed discovery amidst clouds of nicotine and fag ash, leaving these timid and sanctimonious non-smokers behind as we set sail on our tobacco adventure, unfettered by health and safety experts, parking controllers, byelaw enforcement officers and public health consultants.


I'm in complete agreement about the other likely causes of respiratory diseases, but only when none of us smokes any more and mortality rates are still at the same level (despite the authorities no doubt attempting to massage them) will a new batch of experts reach the consensus that smoking wasn't as bad for people as was once believed...and outlaw air fresheners, aerosols, perfume, MDF and paint instead.


I'd fire up the Quattro if I had one....

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yes. right. having to leave the office to smoke? dont think so. go on - find me and fine me you pathetic little officers that have nothing better to do than enforce useless laws that noone asked for and are paid by our tax money. i shall continue to light up at work and there is nothing you can do about it :P

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