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....and mortality rates are still at the same level (despite the authorities no doubt attempting to massage them) will a new batch of experts reach the consensus that smoking wasn't as bad for people as was once believed...


Yes, as about as likely as they to come forward and say there is nothing wrong with asbestos and they had it all along.


MDF is an irritant, no where near as deadly as smoking or asbestos. 25% of lifetime smokers die of lung cancer, even if you have worked with asbestos all your working life, the chance of developing cancer from it is less than 1 in 10,000. Asbestos has been banned for over 20 years, given that passive smoking can and has caused cancer in passive smokers, so it's about bloody time that was banned in enclosed spaces.

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....and mortality rates are still at the same level (despite the authorities no doubt attempting to massage them) will a new batch of experts reach the consensus that smoking wasn't as bad for people as was once believed...


Yes, as about as likely as they to come forward and say there is nothing wrong with asbestos and they had it all along.


MDF is an irritant, no where near as deadly as smoking or asbestos. 25% of lifetime smokers die of lung cancer, even if you have worked with asbestos all your working life, the chance of developing cancer from it is less than 1 in 10,000. Asbestos has been banned for over 20 years, given that passive smoking can and has caused cancer in passive smokers, so it's about bloody time that was banned in enclosed spaces.




At some point in our lives more than one in three of us will be struck down by cancer. One in four will die from it.




So you say 25% of smokers will die of cancer (reference please).....as will 25% of the rest of us (I'm a non smoker BTW).


As I said earlier, we'll all end up in a hole. SO FUCKING WHAT? We'll all end up in a hole. Some less dribbly than others maybe.


Sorry, but I find people that spout (bollocky, googled, unreferenced, wanky) (perm any 2 from 4) statistics like this tend to be either ignorant blokes in the pub with a copy of the Daily Mail, or a health care professional with an NVQ up their own arse.

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At some point in our lives more than one in three of us will be struck down by cancer. One in four will die from it.


As I said earlier, we'll all end up in a hole. SO FUCKING WHAT? We'll all end up in a hole. Some less dribbly than others maybe.

Though some seem to gain great pleasure out of making our lives as miserable as their's, and telling us all what to do in the process.

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its fun at work, the smoking shelter is accross the carpark in full view of everyone where as before we used to have a smoking room stashed away in the depths.


Hardly anyone goes for a fag during working hours now through fear of getting pointed at or being spotted skiving off!

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When I see all this chatting going on as smokers bond in their misery and in the rain outside pubs I sometimes think it must be a great way to meet girls. Then I realise that by definition those girls' breathe will be forever stinking of an old ash tray and be the types that get irritable if they don't have their drugs.


Like Fag Ash Lil, or Patty and Selma.....you can keep 'em.


The ban is a canny piece of social engineering. Keep the smelly addicts well segregated.

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If you were working you wouldn't be 'sneaking' outside for a smoke now would you...if you take 5 or 6 minutes to smoke whilst nonsmokers are still working then shouldn't they be able to stop work for that same amount of time..seems to me that smokers take advantage of those that don't smoke and don't actually do as much work, as you're costing the company more with your 'sneaky' smoke breaks...

Ha - a chance to give the reasons why smoking is good! :shifty:


Nicotine improves concentration.

Having a short break improves concentration and productivity. (just as taking holidays refreshes one and you can become stale otherwise).

Yes non-smokers should also take short breaks - but don't, while smokers do.

Smokers are actually improving the companies productivity and efficiency with those 'sneaky' smoke breaks :) . (at considerable self-sacrifice to themselves :huh: )

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Note to Corpy.


No point having those nice cylindrical ashtray things at Lord Street if they don't have bottoms.


Due to gravity, the butts fall down, out of the bottom and onto the pavement.

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