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Trundle, Trundle, Bang, Bang


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I get wakened by the wheelie bin men.


The outriggers come along first, putting the bins along the road.


I might get ten minutes doze until . . .


. . . the garbagemonster comes along and the bins are cranked into the back of the wagon.


Then the bins are put back . . .


. . . trundle, trundle, bang, bang.




This is getting to me, really, really getting to me.


Whats wrong with starting work at a normal working man's time? Or is rubbish so important to us these days?



And do you know what? The next morning they do the same thing but down the other side of the road. Aaaaaaghhhhh

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I dunno, binmen once a week. You don't know how lucky you are.

We have a Helicopter flying low overhead everyday with some geezer going to work, you got no choice but to wake up. I think this guy owns Liverpool airport and the Manchester Trafford centre or summat.

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Well said Uni,


That is why milk trucks were electric because they are quiet (ish).


I really can't believe the Corporation do this. Its no way to run a community.


I for one have a double dose of the Monday Morning Blues each week. Oh, and the Tuesday Morning Blues too.


Maybe I could write a song about it. Or maybe I should just join that Monday club everyone keeps talking about - but I can't because I'm self employed.



Edited to add:


Thanks for the picture FCMR. It looks like the lads are out on the town spending their overtime money for working so early.

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Surely they aren't allowed to do that before 9am

With building sites I know they aren't allowed to start up any noisy machinery until 8am, but I don't know how this rule would apply to bin wagons as I think the noise has to be ongoing for a certain amount of time (although I don't know how much time) before it's considered a nuisance.


My bin is emptied between 5:30 and 6am on a Saturday. Sometimes it wakes me up and sometimes it doesn't, but I can't honestly say it bothers me. I'd rather have an empty bin.

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At least it's just once a week. Where we use to live we had a neighbour who used to out to work early in the mornings, and would start his motorbike up with lots of revving, then nip back into the house for 5 mins leaving it running on his drive way. Most annoying when you want those few extra zzzzz's

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Better to have your bins emptied rather than have piles of rubbish and health hazards building up. Rather have bins emptied early because the bin wagons cause traffic problems later in the morning which would mean that you would have to get up earlier to be able to get in to work on time.


It's all relative!



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If they really, really have to start so early then why don't they do the usually busy parts in the town first where there are no grumpy people trying to sleep. Athol Street, Market Street, Finch Road. etc.

Just a thought, but maybe, just maybe, there is more than one bin wagon servicing the whole of the Island. :P


If that was the case then they may well be doing the busy places at the same time, but with another wagon.

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