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Immigration 'small Benefit' To Uk

Albert Tatlock

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I'm led to understand that the increase of new born babies by immigrants has increased. :unsure:

I'm glad you've been led to understand. Because I don't understand. How do you increase an increase?


Can this be verified anywhere?

If there is an increasing level of immigrants having a baby boom, what is their reasoning for this? ie, is it so that their child will be classed as Manx and thereby ensuring that they can remain on the Island?


On a slightly different note, I mentioned in another thread somewhere that I don't mind workers, but I don't like benefit scroungers who are capable of working. I only wish that we could swap some of the lazy bone idle individuals for those who are keen to work.


On another only slightly different note, you're an idiot.

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I'm led to understand that the increase of new born babies by immigrants has increased. :unsure:

I'm glad you've been led to understand. Because I don't understand. How do you increase an increase?


Can this be verified anywhere?

If there is an increasing level of immigrants having a baby boom, what is their reasoning for this? ie, is it so that their child will be classed as Manx and thereby ensuring that they can remain on the Island?


On a slightly different note, I mentioned in another thread somewhere that I don't mind workers, but I don't like benefit scroungers who are capable of working. I only wish that we could swap some of the lazy bone idle individuals for those who are keen to work.


On another only slightly different note, you're an idiot.

You really are a knob keyboarder people make comments and your arrogant egocentric and bullying postings attempt to undermine everyones comments. I can't stand bullies and your threads wreak of intimidation and cyberbullying.

Check out keyboarders back posts!

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I heard a rumour this morning that the Crookall was bursting at the seams with swarthy babies. And not only that but the little girl babies are all born with hairy armpits. (Well, they won't shave them will they?) Can anyone verify this before one of the veins in my head explodes?

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I suspect that Manxy meant that the RATE of increase had increased.


If come-overs are breeding faster than locals, it may be because people who come to the island to work tend often to be of child-bearing age, whereas the local population will contain many people who are either yet to reach that stage, or are past it.


Also, I think that the island's immigration policy works very well. You are free to come here if you have a source of income; but if you don't, you have to apply for a work permit, and that will only be granted if there is no suitable local candidate.


The result is that there is almost no unemployment on the island, and none of the ills that go with unemployment. If all the people in the UK who cannot (or cannot be bothered to) find work were obliged to work, the country would be much richer, much safer, and much nicer to live in.



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