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Brainwash Mouthwash?


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Finally if we are onto cheese, a nice bit of mature chedder goes well with chocolate cake. A health warning though to Skeddan. I believe though that there has been no scientific reasearch on whether eating both together is safe so you better assume that it is not rather than risk it although I have never known anybody get side effects from the combination


I think you're simplifying the issue somewhat. I have found no serious studies conclusively demonstrating the safety of either chocolate cake or cheese, never mind in combination where it's reasonable to suppose that they exacerbate one another's harmful potential. ERROR BARS! In fact there are plenty of reasons to suppose that this is in fact true:


MICHELSBLAP AND UNGERBERRY (1994, www.ihatecheeseandamnotthatfondofcake.com/archives) "CHRONIC DEATH INCIDENCES IN RATS SUBJECTED TO CHEESE AND CHOCOLATE CAKE" demonstrated that rats displayed a number of problems with their health after being injected with 5 kg of cheese and chocolate cake each. GAUSSIAN DISTRIBUTION!


ZHEZHE ET AL. (1734, www.ihatecheeseandamnotthatfondofcake.com/archives) "ON THE PERCULIARITIES, INSTABILITIES AND MOST ABOMINABLE AND UNFATHOMABLE MALAISE THAT CHEESE LADEN CHOCOLATE BECAKERY HAS INFLICTED UPON MY POOR AND LONG SUFFERING PRIMATE COMPANION, BOBO" found that replacing sections of a chimp's brain with chocolate cake and cheese resulted in a myriad of neurological and psychological disorders that could not be explained by any other biological mechanism.


SPECKLEBAUM, GRUNDERWORTH, AND LION-O (1967, www.ihatecheeseandamnotthatfondofcake.com/archives) "FUCKING HELL, WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" Conclusively proved that not only do regular dosages of cheese and chocolate cake fail as a long term solution to malnutrition and world hunger, but an awful lot of the test subjects got fat. Also, neither cheese or chocolate cake, individually or combined, were effective in warding off the dark magics of Mumm-Ra and his forces of evil.


I have no reason NULL HYPOTHESIS! to doubt any of these CENTRAL LIMIT THEOREM studies, and every single reason imaginable to doubt everyone STANDARD DEVIATION! else, ever, who has a contrasting point MARKOV CHAINS! of view.


How could I have been so naive. Lets go and raise Manx Creameries and Mr B's to the ground!

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Unfortunatley once Flouride is introduced into the water supply,regardless of what precautions you take,I.E not letting your kids drink it,it is absorbed by the skin also.

Baths,showers,shaves,washes...you will get your dose plus whatever else you ingest from centralised manufacturers.

Almost like being forced to take it.

Shame that we are so dumb.

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Unfortunatley once Flouride is introduced into the water supply,regardless of what precautions you take,I.E not letting your kids drink it,it is absorbed by the skin also.

Baths,showers,shaves,washes...you will get your dose plus whatever else you ingest from centralised manufacturers.

Almost like being forced to take it.

Shame that we are so dumb.


A good excuse for bathing in champagne....


I'd suggest milk, but presumably the cows would be drinking flouridated water, too, so it'll be in that as well.

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I think at the end of the day the issue is not concerning the benifits or downfalls of fluoridation but the fact of should people be forced to accept chemical additives against their will in drinking water. whats next forced seditives in school meals to keep kids in order.


Well said!!!!!!! We have cut out all unnecessary chemicals from our diet, and now the IOM Govt is wanting to force feed us chemicals. What about those who are chemical sensitive, etc. Don't tell me there is not going to be ANYONE with a fluoride sensitivity...




Or just google fluoride sensitivity.



Oops, am I scamming? Sorry, I'm new...

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Baths,showers,shaves,washes...you will get your dose plus whatever else you ingest from centralised manufacturers.



I'm a bit worried about this. One of the girls at work at the office party was having a chat with me. It was by the photocopier in fact but she said no one would disturb us because it is only busy there during the day, and she recommended I got a shower or a bath more often to get a gf. And change the tie but I'm not worried about that. So now I have maybe 2 baths and showers and even another if I'm invited to an office party. The ironic thing is, my teeth, although some might say a touch prominent and large, are actually in perfect condition.

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Unfortunatley once Flouride is introduced into the water supply,regardless of what precautions you take,I.E not letting your kids drink it,it is absorbed by the skin also.

Baths,showers,shaves,washes...you will get your dose plus whatever else you ingest from centralised manufacturers.

Almost like being forced to take it.

Shame that we are so dumb.


Same with chlorine. We are being mass medicated with that too! Are SOW campaigning to have this removed too?

Why not supply water untreated - should reduce water rates!

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Unfortunatley once Flouride is introduced into the water supply,regardless of what precautions you take,I.E not letting your kids drink it,it is absorbed by the skin also.

Baths,showers,shaves,washes...you will get your dose plus whatever else you ingest from centralised manufacturers.

Almost like being forced to take it.

Shame that we are so dumb.


Same with chlorine. We are being mass medicated with that too! Are SOW campaigning to have this removed too?

Why not supply water untreated - should reduce water rates!


Chlorine is used to treat the water and not to treat the person, so it is not a medicine. Fluoride, on the other hand, is designed to treat the end-consumer - it is therefore a drug or medicine. All persons taking a medicine who are not deperately mentally ill have the right to decide whether or not to take it, and how much to take. The government would have to decide that we are all mentally ill and incapable of making such a decision as to if we should drink fluoridated tap water in order to impose it upon us... ironic, I am sure you will agree!


As to whether or not ionised fluoride could cross the skin in any appreciable quantities to make it a systemic toxin, I'll leave that one to the toxicologists.

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I've just been phone-surveyed on this subject by someone "on behalf of the Isle of Man Government."


The whole short "presentation" was loaded very persuasively in favour of fluoridating the proles. Needless to say I was recorded as "strongly opposed."


I am now wondering, as my call seemed to end very abruptly, if I was simply struck off the record because I did not speak in favour of the result that they want.

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All persons taking a medicine who are not deperately mentally ill have the right to decide whether or not to take it, and how much to take.



do you apply that thinking to the vacinations foisted on all at an early age??

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Ah yes, good old water from the tap.

It looks lovely and clear, good enough to drink BUT you only have to look into the pipework of your boiler which has the same water running through it to know not to drink it.

Filtering water yourself is a must.

As far as putting flouride in the water it might make the inside of the pipework cleaner, dunno.

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