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Must Take Some Bottle


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If it allegedly happened at the same time each morning, surely someone was watching or they wouldn't know the time.


I'd certainly be watching if it was my house and it happened more than once at around the same time.

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Some years ago my neighbour had a milk thief. She even wrote to the papers about it happening.


When I came down one morning and found a soggy chewed up milk carton on the kitchen carpet I realised our golden retriever was going out through his dog flap early each morning and pinching her milk.


He seemed to prefer her full fat milk to our skimmed milk

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this is my first post!! Maybe I'm a bit warped! but I love this story, it reminds me of the old days on the IOM when the only bad thing that ever happened was milk stolen by the morning birds! and cats up trees, ah those were the skeet making the headlines.One question? is the victim sure that milky is not on his easter hols! :lol: motor mouth mabel

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