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[BBC News] Island sirens sounded during test


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I love this time of year, it gives me a chance to air a previous post.


Quite disgusting I know but I hope the satire is not wasted on our siren kiddies.


I was once told in confidence that they weren't quite sure how long the siren should go on for and there was quite an argument about it that was eventually settled:-


Apparently many of the important men of the Island actually go into 'the bunker', even at the practice every 3 months. They are of course a ritualistic lot. To decide how long the siren lasts and to add a bit of spice to the event, they play that well known rugby game The Biscuit Game


Start of the game = siren on

End of game = siren off


Looks like a few problems up there in Ramsey today.


The siren in Port Erin goes of a few times a week. Why?


The all Island siren goes off 4 times a year (except in Mount Murray). Why? It is a serious question. What do we need a siren for? I would like our self important leaders to provide a scenario and tell us what they and us would do in such a scenario? We could then laugh like fuck at them.


I often wonder what we would do if some country invaded us. Perhaps we could all stand on the beaches and throw poppies at them.


Whilst the big boys and the good looking secretaries are in The Shelter of course.

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What do we need a siren for?

A siren is a pretty good way for the Morlocks to remind most of us Eloi that life isn't 'as simple' as we like to think it could be. Ruled by the politics of fear, they can then get us to passively hand over the control of our freedom and liberty to them, without so much of a murmur. If you hadn't noticed already, the process started 8 years ago.

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I wonder if they ever check just how many people can hear them? I think in 15 years of living here, I have only heard one test, and that was when I just happened to be close to the siren.


Probably means if another war started, I'd be dead anyway, but hey, so would I be if Sellafield blew up - so what the hell!


They never seem to try out the one at Mount Murray. Makes you wonder why they bother having one there at all.

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I remember that a couple of years ago the system - or it may just have been a central Douglas siren - was activated by mistake at around 8:45 one morning.


When it went off, I was looking out of my office window onto Athol Street at the folks going to work. Nobody stopped or even seemed the slightest bit concerned that the sirens were sounding. They just carried on as normal.


Wonder what would happen in a real emergency.....

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A siren is a pretty good way for the Morlocks to remind most of us Eloi that life isn't 'as simple' as we like to think it could be. Ruled by the politics of fear, they can then get us to passively hand over the control of our freedom and liberty to them, without so much of a murmur. If you hadn't noticed already, the process started 8 years ago.



Seriously though, do you actually feel scared? Aw bless.

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Now, if I was a dodgy terrorist - which I hasten to add I am not, just in case the IP loggers have a fix on me - and I was planning to cause a catastrophe on the Isle of Man, you know, drop an H-bomb or whatever they use these days, then the time I would choose would be 1100am on the first Saturday of any quarter.


I see this siren testing as a complete and utter waste of time, its only purpose being to further inflate the egos of some Civil Servantiles.


Still, if it keeps them happy . . . .

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In a real emergency the sirens would sound a rising and falling note for three minutes


We've obviously never had a real emergency on the island then (this being the exception that proves the rule). Not bad really, our govt must be doing a great job, and the emergency services must be bored silly.

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Ahh, but I would have the H-Bomb thingy dropped just as the testing sirens were just starting to wail, the one that doesn't go

woooo ooo woooooooooooooo woooo woooooooo (It is probably a bit quicker and higher pitched than that though)


So I drop it when the test "woooooooooooooo" one is wailing.


It is my reckoning that they can't change the tone mid siren, sort of thing. I think there must be a big red button* for that one, and perhaps a different button with TEST ONLY written above it for the usual one.


Anyway, by dropping the big bomb I can carry out my plan to prove the Civil Servants who are running this show, utterly stupid. Unfortunately my plan would also completely obliterate the Isle of Man and my relatives and friends and also that perhaps polish looking bird with the blonde hair that walks down Strand Street sometimes of a lunch time that I haven't got to know yet.


Anyway, when you have a point to prove you need to make sacrifices sometimes.



*I think this one should only be operated with a key that is held by the Chief Minister. In a brief case that is carried around with him all the time. That way if we did actually hear an up and down "wooo-ing" (see above for actual sound effect) siren we know that it is for real and we shouldn't just go calmly about our usual first Saturday of the quarter routine, but do those things we would normally do when you know there is only minutes to go before the Isle of Man is completely destroyed.


By an H-bomb.

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