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[BBC News] Man, 46, injured in street attack


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Not really Dan. I know it'd either be:


1) Another attempt at being offensive, or

2) A feeble attempt at making it sound like he wasn't trolling.


If he'd been unfortunate enough to have this sort of thing happen to himself, I'm certain he wouldn't be taking the piss about it or finding it so amusing, as it is something that is always in the back of your mind afterwards.

Especially when you don't know who the culprits were.


There's a good deal of psychological unpleasantness that goes with getting your head kicked in for no reason.


On the bright side, I got to find out just how useful the local Victim Support service are in trying to get your mind straight again afterwards.

Shame there are people like keyboarder trying to spoil this kind of good work but there you go. :rolleyes:

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Just a point, where was it mentioned that young people were responsible for this attack ? I have read the posts but can't see any indication that the age(s) of the attacker(s) was known or mentioned, unless I'm wrong and in which case, apologies.

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The problem with all these violent attacks nowadays is the fact the courts are far too lenient when it comes to sentencing. These people are violent and should be removed from society, as simple as that (if I had my way they should justify their benefit to society and if they cannot they should be taken out back & shot!) but then I guess that is why I am no judge......


Maybe the police need to refocus too, they hunt the druggies saying it leads to other crimes, such as burglary and muggings, well that may be the case, but these crimes should be classed as such, I would be interested to know exactly how many of the druggies they have busted over the years are holding down jobs and are not out on the rob to fund their habit.


Saying that, it must be a frustrating job when you catch the arseholes that do these violent crimes only to have the courts release them for one reason or another and the police are out nicking up the same culpricks the following week. In my view the sentencing laws need to be reviewed

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My Brother got the piss kicked out of him in an unprovoked attack a couple of years ago. It was in the middle of strand street in the early hours and the bloke battered my brother and once he fell to the floor he started to walk off. The bloke saw my brother start to stand up so he ran back and battered him again.


I was filled with rage when i went to the hospital and could not recognise my brother and i cried my eyes out when my neice burst into tears when she saw her dad in a hospital bed being fed through a tube. They caught the fella on the same night and he always denied the assualt.


When this finall came to court (he pleaded not guilty to extend his bail time to cover the xmas period.) he pleaded guilty and the judge was spot on. He had been shown CCTV and the lawyers had managed to bargin the CCTV so it was not to be used as evidence but the judge said he had seen it and it was a horrific attack. The fact that he changed his plea to guilty so late on also ment the judge was not going to be lienient and he was found guilty of GBH with intent.


He got 3 years and excluded from the island when he gets out. I was amazed at the sentace and felt that justice had been done.


When i walked out of court the blokes wife and father were stood outside crying and had the cheek to say "I suppose your happy now!" Yea i was, fucking overjoyed. Scumbag.

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early morning two sundays back in a takeaway on the douglas prom a scumbag launched a unprovoked attack. on a young lad.he was put in his place by observers. (witnesses)


the managment called police.meantime he was still mouthing off stating he was a iraq vet .(age bout 23)


police arrived and seemed to know him wanted to drop him and his m8 off at home so there would be no more "trubble".


only on the insistance off the victim (and winesses) did the police decide to arrest him and take the cctv footage.


so this scumbag nearly never made it to court. and if he does his record (im a iraqi vet/)will no doubt alter the sentence in his favor

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When i walked out of court the blokes wife and father were stood outside crying and had the cheek to say "I suppose your happy now!" Yea i was, fucking overjoyed. Scumbag.


I'd have been tempted to let off a party-popper in their faces.

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was that the takeaway near the empress? i was in there then, god that guy was a pain in the fucking arse. The police man who turned up was f00king massive.

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Unfortunately the tossers that did me over got away scot free. My mate recognised one of them and he was soon identified as being involved with frequent aggro and bad local people, but there was pretty much a complete lack of evidence.


A mate who is a copper spent many hours trawling through cctv but not to that much avail really so when the coppers made it clear that there was a slim chance of anything good happening in court I told them thanks very much for your help thus far, but it sounds like it will be a waste of your time trying to pursue it further.


Criminal injuries government people then decided that it was me that was pretty much the one in the wrong (ie almost to the point of making out I was unco-operative with the police etc), and after what I'd gone through I found that extremely offensive so I appealed, and luckily the Deemster realised that I was only trying to avoid a waste of resources.

I wouldn't wish this sort of thing on anyone as it really affects you.


There's not just the trauma & physical pain of getting a booting & stitches in your face/broken bits etc, but all the stuff that goes with it like a dent to your pride, fear that it might happen again, going through it all over again when you have to make statements etc, explaining to people a million times over what happened to you and saying 'yes I'm ok thanks', walking round with a swollen up face, and the occasional idiots that takes the piss, especially if you also have to put up with knowing that nothing has happened to those responsible and they'll probably do it to someone else.


The only good thing to come from it all was how I was dealt with when I went to victim support. I had no intention of going to see them when a copper gave me a card for them, but the mrs persuaded me to, and I'd recommend them to anyone unfortunate enough to find themselves on the receiving end of something like this.

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When I first came over here, I had a drunken little shit go for me with a broken bottle outside the Crescent. Apparently he had been bragging to his mates he was going to do the next bloke that walked past.


Perfectly sober and not particularly frightened (although perhaps I should have been) the first image that came into my head was of me (literally) tearing his arm off and hitting him over the head with it, I was that furious that someone could do this to an innocent person walking along minding his own business. This was just about the only reaction I could consider in this situation. Persuasion and gentle chat just didn't come into it.


The next image that came into my mind was of me sitting in a police cell for a few days and eventually being up in court for serious assault on a young lad who had had a poor upbringing and a deprived childhood. Perhaps I could be done even for murder. No, I didn''t come to the Isle of Man for this.


Fortunately for me and perhaps him, one of his so-called mates was my new next door neighbour and recognising me, dragged him away. I continued on my way and wondered if the next guy got it instead.

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