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Rock Band Rip


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So they've finally announced the deal for Rock band in the EU, according to IGN. Frankly, it sucks hard. May 23rd on Xbox 360, no Ps3

date other than 'later in the summer'


In the US the whole bundle is $169. In Europe, for your 169 Euros/130 quid you get the guitar, drums and mic but you don't get the game. That will cost you an extra 69.99 Euros/50 quid.


At current market exchange rates, ($169+sales tax say 10%) $187 =119 Euros or 94 quid. Total price of Rock band in the EU? 240 Euros or 180 quid.



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You can buy the US version for PS3 can't you? Doesn't help EU 360 owners though I guess.


On the face of it, you'd think having a region free console would be a good thing, due to different release dates etc and the possibility of making the exchange rate work in your favour but to me it speaks volumes about Sonys attitude towards EU gamers. They can't be arsed supplying europe with the game, even though it's region free and all it needs is a new box and being shipped to Woolies instead of Walmart. Gayness.

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They can't be arsed supplying europe with the game, even though it's region free and all it needs is a new box and being shipped to Woolies instead of Walmart. Gayness.


I think it comes down to more than just a new box. The games have to deal with multiple languages in the EU to translate and I expect there are various licensing issues too. Also I think each country has different boards who decide on how games are labelled 15, 18 PG etc which takes time.


I agree though, Europe gets shafted big style - but it's not just the games industry - we get shafted on a lot of things that the US gets cheap.


I think it's always happened but just the world is a lot smaller now in business and communications, so it's easy for us to look over there at prices etc and get fucked off.

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At current market exchange rates, ($169+sales tax say 10%) $187 =119 Euros or 94 quid. Total price of Rock band in the EU? 240 Euros or 180 quid.




I presume it comes down to the exchange rate as you say. It's double the price in the EU, but the dollar is weak so of course it will be cheaper there, but then if you live in the US your wage or disposable income will reflect the dollar, no?


I can't remember much of my A'level economics as you can tell.....!!

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At current market exchange rates, ($169+sales tax say 10%) $187 =119 Euros or 94 quid. Total price of Rock band in the EU? 240 Euros or 180 quid.




I presume it comes down to the exchange rate as you say. It's double the price in the EU, but the dollar is weak so of course it will be cheaper there, but then if you live in the US your wage or disposable income will reflect the dollar, no?


I can't remember much of my A'level economics as you can tell.....!!


Yes. I think comparing on exchange rates is pretty stupid. It is what it is, you don't have to buy it.

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So they've finally announced the deal for Rock band in the EU, according to IGN. Frankly, it sucks hard. May 23rd on Xbox 360, no Ps3

date other than 'later in the summer'


In the US the whole bundle is $169. In Europe, for your 169 Euros/130 quid you get the guitar, drums and mic but you don't get the game. That will cost you an extra 69.99 Euros/50 quid.


At current market exchange rates, ($169+sales tax say 10%) $187 =119 Euros or 94 quid. Total price of Rock band in the EU? 240 Euros or 180 quid.




Do you honestly belive anywhere is going to be selling the game at £50? all xbox360 games have a rrp of that but it'svery rare that's what you will actually pay.


An example being shopto are selling the whole kit for £149.99 or the game only for £37.99

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What's the idea with this then?


I can sort of imagine one or even two people waving guitars around in front of the telly (Guitar Hero 2/3), but getting someone in to sing and even do the drums as well - well, you'd be down in the basement doing it all properly really, wouldn't you?


For £200 they can fuck off anyway.

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rockband is the best gaming experience there has ever been ! its worth it just for the drumming!


i was going to get it again but for that price ill just pick up some working guitars from usa and hopefully the muse track will become downloadable at some point.


i do have to say tho apart from "more than a feeling" there hasnt been any good dlc for about a month now.

and this weeks is complete sh1t again.


but anyone getting the eu release will have the full dlc list to chose from anyway and there is some great stuff out.


just to show what someone good can do

look at this bloke he is absolutely amazing at the drumming






full band video


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It's actually £129.99 on the Game website at the moment, price may change but I'd imagine if you preorder it at that price they'd have to honour it.


That's for the controllers only, doesn't include the game itself which they have for another £49.99 :o

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