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[BBC News] Appeal over bogus charity workers


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Here's an interesting charity collection tale. I fairly recently purchased an investment property, nice place but a bit on the tired side - you know the thing, last kitted out and all the rage in the early seventies, but after having a couple of recently deceased pensioners festering in it for a good few years not the sort of thing to rent out to some upwardly mobile but essentially shallow youngish tenants.


So, although the place needed gutting to knock it into shape it actually contained a rather large quantity of good quality fitted living room furniture. G plan I think it was, but don't hold me to it. Very old fashioned but seemed a shame to throw it straight on the skip so, acting on the advice of an acqaintance I telephoned a local rather well known charitable organisation (one doesn't like to name and shame - suffice to say they have several retail outlets dotted around the island and a furniture depository off Buck's Road somewhere).


The lady on the other end of the phone said they may well be interested in it and made an appointment for the charity's own collection service to come and have a look at it. Due to a full diary they were unable to make it for several days mind, so in the meantime I dumped it all in the aforementioned property's garage in anticipation of the collection service's judgement of charitable worthiness.


So, in due course the collection service (ie, surly man and van and younger helper) turn up and have a look in the garage (which incidentally is quite full, like I said there's a lot of this stuff, lol....... ). Much sucking of teeth ensues, accompanied with shaking of heads. It's not what the charity wants - it's too old and dated. Fair enough, I really couldn't care less either way so send the team on their not very merry way. But as it happens, I'm due a delivery from Haldanes in the morning and could do with the garage space and the skip is by now full. So I decide to take the stuff down the dump myself. So, throw it all in the back of a van and head down there.


Being a suspicious type I decide to let the staff at the charity main shop have a quick look, after all it's on the way to the dump. A lovely young lady comes out and is mightily pleased to be offered this furniture, so much so she immediately accompanies me and it over to the depository AND helps me to unload it. I don't bother to mention that this is the second time they've been offered it, lol........; )


A few days later I go back down there with some other bits and pieces and lo and behold my recent offering has already been sold. And it's for CHARIDEE and there's no greater cause than that, lol,lol..... - now the van crew may have had no idea of their target market or maybe were short of time. But a cynic might say they're a pair of lazy gits........... lol......


(and I bet they don't drive the van for charity)..... ; )))

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Ans, about that little script you used for vader's "HaHaHa", could it be amended to keyboarder's "lol". The story makes a lot more sense then lol


:D :D :D


Why would the story make more sense interjected with references to anal sex? I know you dog lovers tend to be a bit fick, but I'm perfectly willing to clarify any points you don't get. Just ask, innit, lol............; )

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