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Anna Goldsmith "let It Rain" - Order It Now!


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Anna Goldsmith's brand new album "Let It Rain" is released next Monday, 14th April.

You can pre-order it now from www.stereoscout.com . Stereoscout have copies in stock already, so they'll ship it out same day and you should have it by the day of release.


I've got my copy and it's just superb!!


"Let It Rain" is also available from amazon.co.uk, but bear i mind that although you can get an order in, they don't have stock yet so it's unlikely you'll get it straight away...

If you prefer to get your mitts on the album the old fashioned way, it'll be stocked in Peter Norris from Monday.

It will NOT be available from HMV.


The album is currently Album of the Week on Bob Harrison's Manx Radio show, in case you want a sneak preview - and there's some clips of album tracks on anna's myspace (www.myspace.com/annagoldsmith)


CD Tickets for the album launch celebration gig (17th May at Peel Centenary Centre) will be available from this weekend at the usual PCC outlets (Peter Norris, Shakti Man, Celtic Gold). This will also feature the amazing talents of Christine Collister and Truman Falls.

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If you can please buy this direct, if you buy from amazon they keep most of the profit whereas if you buy direct from the local outlet on Annas site she gets more of the profit enabling her to pay for the bill for cutting this album. P.S. I am in no way involved in the record company or any promotional aspect just a friend of hers.

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