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Gordon Brown On American Idol


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Did anyone see Gordon Brown's appearence on American Idol. Here it is.


I find it deeply troubling, not simply because of the rare glimpse of a smile (although I rather like that he doesn't smile we had ten years of smiles, and probably he'll be replaced by the evil Cameron smile so it's a nice change) nor was it the pecular way he says mosquito.It's the ending..."God Bless You All". God Bless You All! Has it escaped his notice that he is Prime Minister of Britain not Grand Poobah of the Latter Day Johavah's Witnesses of America.


Now I don't have a problem with what he gets up to in the privacy of his own home, heck Tony Blair was a raving Christian all the time he was in Downing Street but at least he had the decency to lie about until he left office. But to go on foreign television and deliver an insane rant about being blessed by some fictional supreme deity is very bad for Britain's international image.

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Ow, that was awful. I'm not that bothered about the god bothering bit as I am the entire performance (presumably booked with the intention of raising the U.S. profile of the UK and Gordon Brown). It's the kind of faintly condescending public relations exercise so beloved of government advisors whose only knowledge of the outside world is through the results of focus groups and common prejudice: The proletariat love their telly box, and everyone likes charity, so lets take advantage of both and before you know it Gordon will be as popular as Bono.


It's not helped by Brown's lack of any personality other than the vague sense of awkwardness that accompanies his every appearance. He has the uncanny ability of sounding and looking more like one of those animatronic puppets that welcome people to theme parks than a man. Of course Cameron's worse - his mannerisms and sweaty, bloated face are a pretty close fit to how I imagined Napoleon when I first read Animal Farm - but Brown's doing himself no favours with this kind of candy floss politics.

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The smiles are bad, but I don't think anyone could outdo Tony Blair constant smirking, which has to be one of the irritating things about the man when giving public speeches. What is odd about Gordon Brown is the strange manner in which he gasps for air, especially at 14 and 27 seconds into the video. Weird.


I completely see what you are saying VinnieK about it being a public relations exercise.

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