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High Court Judges Earning Their Salary


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"On Thursday judges said the decision to halt the inquiry represented an "abject surrender" to pressure from a foreign government.


Lord Justice Moses said that the SFO and the government had given into "blatant threats" that Saudi co-operation in the fight against terror would end unless the probe into corruption was halted. "


[Drums fingers and patiently awaits heated reaction from P.K.]

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I thought this thread was going to be about Manx High Court Judges!


Anyway, next year it looks like there will be as many Deemsters as they want, they can just appoint any of their old pals in Athol Street on the fly.


Another subject for another thread, in Local News maybe, although somehow I feel it should be International News that we have such a corrupt and incestuous legal system.

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"On Thursday judges said the decision to halt the inquiry represented an "abject surrender" to pressure from a foreign government.


Lord Justice Moses said that the SFO and the government had given into "blatant threats" that Saudi co-operation in the fight against terror would end unless the probe into corruption was halted. "


[Drums fingers and patiently awaits heated reaction from P.K.]

So sorry for the delay, I've been away. In fact yesterday I drove past Kenilworth Road, on the Dallow side. I have to say it looks a bit run down...


The SFO said national security would have been undermined by the inquiry and SFO director Robert Wardle has said he took the decision independently and did not come under any political pressure.

That's the SFO director that's just about to retire btw.


I have to say I have a jaundiced view of the CATT and their ilk. They are essentially a bunch of idiots living on another planet. Their aim is to prevent all arms trading. So I'm tempted to ask them how well they're doing in negotiations with China, North Korea et al? After all, their existance has no point whatsoever if they can never make any gains in regimes such as those.


Now dealings with the House of Saud has always required a level of baksheesh. That's all deals from all countries, not the UK in isolation. Big effing deal i.e. welcome to Planet Earth. So are we all supposed to sit back amazed when it seems that is the case here? I don't think so, even if it can be proven after a lengthy, protracted, acrimonious and expensive investigation. For the benefit of whom exactly? Frankly I don't want a good profitable deal to go sour and then add insult to injury by having my tax dollars being wasted because it's what a bunch of idiots called CATT wants. But if you're naiive enough to believe it's worth doing why not make a personal donation to fund it? Because I can assure you CATT won't...

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Drums fingers and patiently awaits heated reaction from P.K.

So sorry for the delay, I've been away. In fact yesterday I drove past Kenilworth Road, on the Dallow side. I have to say it looks a bit run down...

Having posted that it's probably acceptable for League Two... :)

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