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Mario Kart Wii


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Dunno yet - I only just got a Wii again yesterday, but I've picked up MK for it.


Game would not let me have a copy as I hadn't pre-ordered it so I walked into HMV and just bought a copy. Cheers HMV. :)

Only had a go for a couple of minutes so far but it looks like it could be quite good. Think I have every incarnation of MK and it's still my favourite ever game I'd say. Not sure yet whether I'll get to grips with using the wheel or not, or will prefer using the classic controller but muchos fun awaits either way.

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Bit of a letdown I recon, very little new, quite a lot worse.


You seemed to enjoy it the other night, or was that the beer talking? <_<


I think they've done a really good job on this and think it's the best one so far.

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Bit of a letdown I recon, very little new, quite a lot worse.


You seemed to enjoy it the other night, or was that the beer talking? <_<


I think they've done a really good job on this and think it's the best one so far.


It's that kind of game isn't it, look, even the women were playing. It's ok, the kids love it, I just find the wide tracks and utterly unfair powerups a bit of a letdown compared to the ole snes version which was actually quite hardcore under its cutesey front end. Good at what it does, entertain a room full of mates, but not earthshattering for a gamer.


I was forced to go buy it after saturday night tho, traded some utter cack in at game and got it for a fiver, bargain!

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It's ok, the kids love it, I just find the wide tracks and utterly unfair powerups a bit of a letdown compared to the ole snes version which was actually quite hardcore under its cutesey front end.


Agreed - the snes version will always be the ultimate Mariokart for me because it's so basic. If you want to settle an argument about who's best - SNES Mariokart is the way to settle it.

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Argh. It's sitting here next to me, still wrapped in the plastic and I'm not allowed to play it until my girlfriend comes up for the weekend. This is torture.


What's the wheel like, any good? Or am i going to want to play it with a GC controller?

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Argh. It's sitting here next to me, still wrapped in the plastic and I'm not allowed to play it until my girlfriend comes up for the weekend. This is torture.


What's the wheel like, any good? Or am i going to want to play it with a GC controller?


Stuff the girlfriend get it out, it'll need testing anyway, it may be faulty? ;)


The wheel's much better than I thought it would be and is pretty necessary if you're playing it with the wii mote as the wii mote is a little too small to hold that way in my opinion. I was expecting the wheel to be a little inaccurate and all over the place but it works really well.


SNES version looks too dated now, I think people hanker after it because of old memories I don't agree that it's anymore hardcore. Many of the tracks still exist on this version. Online is a real nice addition, and there's not many games that are so easy to pick up and play and get everyone into it enough to play it for hours on end.

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SNES version looks too dated now, I think people hanker after it because of old memories I don't agree that it's anymore hardcore.


That's because you're not a proper Mariokart Jedi/ninja. ;)

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SNES version looks too dated now, I think people hanker after it because of old memories I don't agree that it's anymore hardcore.


That's because you're not a proper Mariokart Jedi/ninja. ;)

I concur. I think the original is the best of the lot by some margin - the series started to lose its way with the N64 version (though it was still a cracking laugh) when it became overly reliant on power-ups, for me - that's not to say any of them are bad games, far from it in fact. The two handheld versions are my favourites after the SNES original, although I've yet to play MKWii...

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