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No Boat In The Bay

cheeky boy

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I was in Tesco shortly after it opened this am. Shelves were nearly full or in process of being filled. There were hoards of locusts stripping the shelves however. Never seen queues at the tills like it except at Christmas.


Papers were in by time I had gone through check out (09.15)


I saw cheeky boy, he didn't see me. seems we weren't in the same store really


The user agreement is about year round service not specific services at specific times of year


I know its years ago but I still remember the 1960's and only 10 cars every other day at service time because we had two car ferries and when one went in they brought out Manxman and had to crane on and the boats only did one single trip each daily from October to April out IOM 09.00 arive liverpool 12.45 out Liverpool 11.00 arrive 14.45 withno Sunday service at all


Actually thats how the Steam Paacket ran it until 1986 and we only got two trips each way 7/7 in 1979 with Manx Line

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In 1986 the Island population was about 2/3 of today's - because Tesco's hadn't wiped out small shops the food supply was much more resilient (eg local bakeries, fish shops etc), expectations were different and also more reserve stock was carried by Island suppliers. The RoRo ferry system made the Island almost totally dependent on a reliable transport system back to UK based supply depots - stupid yes but financially crippling if you didn't go along with it as cUK suppliers could undercut any Island based supply.

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In 1986 the Island population was about 2/3 of today's - because Tesco's hadn't wiped out small shops the food supply was much more resilient (eg local bakeries, fish shops etc), expectations were different and also more reserve stock was carried by Island suppliers. The RoRo ferry system made the Island almost totally dependent on a reliable transport system back to UK based supply depots - stupid yes but financially crippling if you didn't go along with it as cUK suppliers could undercut any Island based supply.




One does not need to shop in a supermarket, they only thrive because the sheep follow the lead.


Un very fortunately we live in an I want at your expense society and my The Jones is written in large capitals highlighted in bold.


Food can be almost totally free of money and its only cost is hard work, money is not entirely free but consists of in most cases alot of hard work to make food and similiar items become a cost. Water is totally free to highlight an extreme.


Too much order and below is ridden with chaos or as I like to say Chassis.


Do the Navan Walk

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Empty shops give Douglas a feeling of 'despair'


I must say when I read this headline on IoM Newspapers website I thought it would be about shops running out of goods but no, it was just another soundbite to give Councillor Christian even more publicity and to give the newspaper something to write about. That lad must have some good friends in the media.

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Maybe those concerned should draft in Samantha from 'I'd do anything' to sing, in a bid to get the boats going again.




According to the BBC site "Samantha hates vegetables and would be happy living on a diet of chocolate." - so she could probably come in handy lobbying for water Flouridation too.

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In 1986 the Island population was about 2/3 of today's - because Tesco's hadn't wiped out small shops the food supply was much more resilient (eg local bakeries, fish shops etc), expectations were different and also more reserve stock was carried by Island suppliers. The RoRo ferry system made the Island almost totally dependent on a reliable transport system back to UK based supply depots - stupid yes but financially crippling if you didn't go along with it as cUK suppliers could undercut any Island based supply.


Was it Tesco that wiped out the small food suppliers, or the demise of the tourist industry which subsidised the winter service they provided? Fish shops are one retailer which has been more a victim of a reduced tourist trade and poor fish stock management. I was in Devereau's and asked when fresh herring would be available and the lad behind the counter pointed at what I thought were sardines and said that is the quality of herring caught by line locally; all the herring for smoking comes from the North Sea.


As for the RoRo facilitating UK supplies, weren't UK suppliers supplying the IOM long before ManxLine? Have we ever been self-sufficent (other than spuds and herring)?


Changing times, not just RoRo or Tescos, I'm afraid.

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Years ago when the SPC was a Manx company the boat sailed every day whatever the weather


The car ferries introduced in 1962 had refrigerated holds on the car deck for perishable goods, so stuff arrived fresh daily


Papers were flown in because in the pre IT age they had to be printed at one big press and weren't ready till about 5am


So with all the advances in technology we still cant get a paper till lunchtime and Tesco & M&S end up binning out of date food because it got here to late


Hardly what you would call progress


Monopolies & protectionism stifle growth and foster profiteering. Free markets are the only really effective mechanism for progress.


Stop this sentimental loyalty to the Steam Packet Company, they stopped being Manx in 1983

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So true Cheeky Boy, but the sentimentality is more to do with the Steamie being the only way to get most things (people or items) here!


As for a monopoly, I think that is all we can hope for; it is then for the IOM Government to make sure that it introduces a false open market in the terms of the user agreement.


Then, when we have done all that, we must remember that we are an island and, sometimes, shit happens.

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