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Gay Forced To Flee Angry Penguin


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Why the gay comments?


Clearly they were just two arsehole property developers with more money than sense that rubbed people up the wrong way and who jumped up and down and made a complete pain in the arse of themselves when they couldn't get their own way.


I'd suggest its more about them being friggin developers than gay developers.

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Why the gay comments?


Clearly they were just two arsehole property developers with more money than sense that rubbed people up the wrong way and who jumped up and down and made a complete pain in the arse of themselves when they couldn't get their own way.


I'd suggest its more about them being friggin developers than gay developers.


The excerpt from the paper does seem to suggest that homophobic attacks/comments are being made but I agree it doesn't seem to be the main issue.

Predominantly, the issue seems to be about opposing property development but when ignorant hate-mail is received saying that people should look out for their children and should oppose an influx of gay men it is disgusting homophobia.

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Actually what struck me originally was the headline on the original newspaper article - Gay Forced To Flee Angry Penguin - which seemed to be amended on the online version rather quickly.

At the time it struck me as a 'Sunday Sport' headline as opposed to a Times headline.

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There's a bit of a Manxie connection with Tazzie. There's places there with names like Tynwald. There were Pitcairners (ex Bounty - and IoM) who settled in Norfolk Island, and then some of these Norfolk Islanders went on to Tasmania.

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