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Improving Douglas


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Just to add a note of seriousness here - I was in Douglas over Easter when we visited for one of our regular trips to see relatives on the island. You are actually lucky that in Douglas you have a higgledy piggledy street like Strand Street. A better quality surface on the floor (ie one that allows chewing gum to be cleared up more easily) and some effort to clean up the shop fronts and buildings, a lick of paint and a return to some of the original features on the Victorian buildings in Strand Street, and you would have a very attractive place that would be a draw for small independent traders - the sort of place people delight in visiting. The answer is NOT to knock down and rebuild with modern shops but to make it a nice place to linger - and Douglas could offer that with some effort and co-operation. Lets face it - more and more people can buy what they want on the web, but they still like the social outing of a leisurely pleasant stroll through a pleasant environment. Strand street COULD be enticing. It has the rare advantage of being made up of individual small old buildings.


Look at this link to the town of Cardigan in West Wales. It is MUCH MUCH poorer than Douglas and yet thanks to a concerted effort by the local Government and residents it has transformed itself imaginatively and is now somewhere to stop and spend time. A lot of those "before" shots remind me of what too many shop fronts in the Isle of Man look like still.



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I should be sent on an all expenses paid fact finding mission to the most attractive parts of the world


This will take me about five years, but by the time I get back I will be full of bright ideas about how to smarten up the Island and there will still be about 6 million left over to do it with

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I think it is high time the IOM Governemt did away with local councils, they are corrupt and power mad, best for all concerned if we have all the corruption and power hungry dickheads in one place.


Secondly, I think there should be a 'common Sense' commitee formed of normal people (several being from the Manx Forums) whereas all ideas have to be passed through them first where the chance to raise the issues of "What the FUCK are you thinking?" and "My 5 year old could have planned a better junction" can be raised.


Finally, EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of the decision making process should be thouroughly auditted, every property, bank account etc scrutinized to oust the wallet fillign scum that are leaching our Island dry.





or not :P


Rant over, I'll get my coat.

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I think it is high time the IOM Governemt did away with local councils, they are corrupt and power mad, best for all concerned if we have all the corruption and power hungry dickheads in one place.


Secondly, I think there should be a 'common Sense' commitee formed of normal people (several being from the Manx Forums) whereas all ideas have to be passed through them first where the chance to raise the issues of "What the FUCK are you thinking?" and "My 5 year old could have planned a better junction" can be raised.


Finally, EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of the decision making process should be thouroughly auditted, every property, bank account etc scrutinized to oust the wallet fillign scum that are leaching our Island dry.




or not :P


Rant over, I'll get my coat.


I'd vote for you. Or maybe not seeing as you know what goes on. ;)

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That's good.


On the Isle of Man, especially along Douglas Promenade they just knock 'em down as it is easier to just throw up a modern building as cheap as possible. To appease the numpties on the planning committee (in the main a panel of waffling pontificating wannabes busybodies) , the developer has some architect throw in some token Victoriana 'features'.

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Secondly, I think there should be a 'common Sense' commitee formed of normal people (several being from the Manx Forums) whereas all ideas have to be passed through them first where the chance to raise the issues of "What the FUCK are you thinking?" and "My 5 year old could have planned a better junction" can be raised.

Wouldn't work. As Mr Bridger pointed out in the 'Italian Job':


'Camp' Freddie: But Mr. Bridger, what if the Professor's not bent?

Mr. Bridger: Camp Freddie, everyone in the *world* is bent!


In fact personally...


I'd do anything, for mon-ey, anything, for it means everything, to me...I know that I'd go anywhere, for a cash pile anywhere, walk ten miles anywhere, you see. I'd even go on TV, anything, and make a fool out of me - anything.

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Pardon me if this is a tad non-pc, but I was somewhat aghast at the lady from Douglas Corpie on MR wittering on about how they had had to move a family in Pulrose because they were too close to demolition work (part of the Pulrose improvement scheme, which I fully support and endorse, by the by) and they would move other families if they found the work too much.


Now hang on a sec, I have building work at the end of the road, which is continually dirty, the dust is everywhere, the road is often blocked with several big lorries either delivering or taking stuff away, and it is quite noisy; it is a general nuisance, but they have planning permission and, hey, it'll be over soon.


I do not anticipate any improvement to my home as part of a quid pro quo, but here we have Reina Chattel ( I think) almost inviting Pulrose residents to ask for relocation while the work is being done to neighbouring properties, and will shortly be done to theirs. What is wrong with a bit of 'stick it out, because we will reap the benefits'?


If the demolotion work affects someone's health, then fine move them, but if it is just because it is inconvenient and a bit dirty, then come on get real, your's will be next.


It reminded me of that bleating woman who complained about the state of her house and how cold it was, crying on MR about how unfair it all was (broad Scot's accent; ' the chilter have to wear their ganseys in they bed') and yet the scheme was already in the pipeline and, no doubt, her house was scheduled for modernisation, if not replacement.


I am really not agin to the Pulrose improvement; it is right and proper that everyone has modern warm, dry and safe housing. But 'catch yerself on', put up with a little inconvenience and, more importantly, Douglas Corporation you just watch the pennies and, remember, it is the ratepayers that are funding the Corporation for the benefit of Douglas as a whole; so tidy the whole place up, take those awful re-cycling bins off the promenade and replace a few street signs so we know where we are.


Phew, rant over.

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From Manx Radio News click here




On the Isle of Man I suppose that will just about buy the consultants or architects. The sound clip is just hot air and basically says nothing whatsoever of any use whatsoever.


"Now the task is to decide how and where to spend the money, for maximum results."


There'll be plenty of people taking politicians and civil servants out for lunch to decide that little one.



In the make believe world of the virtual-internetty-chat-room-forum in which we live, if you had £8,000,000 to spend where would you start? Remember all towns and villages are going to get a makeover with Douglas first, so we're all included.


Just for fun remember because what you really think means fuck all to these people. They knows better than you ever could.

I presume it's going to be tourist pleasing? In that case, I would like to see Strand Street with a covered walkway. This would be a nightmare for architects, especially in joining the new roof to existing shops, but once completed, you could theme the shops like that in the Metro centre with their themed arcades; Antiques Village, Garden Court and Mediterranean Village





I really enjoyed spending a full day there and there was stacks more to see. (next time) :cool:


Throughout the island, it would be good for the children to visit places where they can tire themselves out like youth clubs and various exhausting activities. Maybe a dry ski slope would be fun or a hands on type of museum. Lazer quest we have already (that was fun- nr Liverpool Arms).


Obviously these are but a few suggestions, but who knows, certain circles might incorporate them into your area?

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Look at this link to the town of Cardigan in West Wales. It is MUCH MUCH poorer than Douglas and yet thanks to a concerted effort by the local Government and residents it has transformed itself imaginatively and is now somewhere to stop and spend time. A lot of those "before" shots remind me of what too many shop fronts in the Isle of Man look like still.




You don't even have to travel that far - Peel has much improved recently and a lot of the older shops have been done up and look really well.


Someone else mentioned making Strand St a covered area - this wouldn't actually be that difficult to do - and could help promote a more cafe culture. Would give an alternative to pubs in the evening.

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Someone else mentioned making Strand St a covered area - this wouldn't actually be that difficult to do - and could help promote a more cafe culture. Would give an alternative to pubs in the evening.


It would be - they've abandoned that idea twice on the grounds of cost in my memory.


Plus can you imagine how bad the pissy smell would be after a Saturday night? It would put Chester Street steps to shame.

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Personally i would like to introduce my New Isle of Mann Improvement Scheme This is where Local people could vote in a poll against areas they dislike or high concentrations of comeovers and then any areas with a high score will have a few "Daisy's" planted for a very short period and in this very brief time scale the surrounding area would be vastly improved, i for one believe this is the best way forward and am sure i could remain under budget with some careful cash managment,



As for a Ring road I can't see it myself there would to many 'Potholes' in that idea, I'm just going for a quick look at ebay and see what avalible I'll be right back :)

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More roundabouts.

We need more roundabouts.

And traffic lights - loads more needed.

And more consultants to state the bleeding obvious at great expense.

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