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Which Console Should I Buy For My Kids?


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I need some help/advice here please.


When my kids come round to my house there are times when they want to play computer games with me. They have a PC at their mother's home with quite a few games and also Gameboy Advance SP hand-helds.


I can't justify upgrading my tired old P2 450 PC as it does all that I need so I was going to buy a games console for us all to play on.


I've never owned any sort of console and have only really played on a Playstation one.


I could do with advice please on what to get, PS2, Gamecube, XBox...........


Obviously I want to buy a system that will not be out of date in a year, has good availability of games, won't breakdown one day after the guarantee runs out, offers value for money, etc.


Any help and advice would be most welcome.


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Bugger consoles, buy them a pair of stout walking boots and hit the lanes and hills :)


I'm edging towards the PS2 for this abode, basically because I have a few old PS1 games that are still more than playable and there is a good back catalogue of games.


Having said that, the Xbox looks pretty good and from memory, the Xbox is the choice of most of the Console Geeks on the Forum.

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Yay for console geeks!


I've both PS2 and Xbox, if I were allowed to keep only one it would be the latter.


As Slim says, PS2 definately still up to the job, but beginning to show its age when lined up against the Xbox.


Perhaps soem details on what kind of games your kids like to play would assist us in some more advice?

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Don't most kids favour the PS2?


The more mature gamer might prefer the Xbox or PC but the kids might be a bit "odd ones out" if they have an Xbox over a PS2


Edit to add - Judging by the number of games displayed in Game, etc., I'd say the PS2 is more polular with kids

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My kids (age 10 & 11) both have a PS2. One of them also has an Xbox and the other is getting a Gamecube this year.


The PS2 is more popular with children, more children have that console and they are able to swap/borrow games with their friends.


(We still have PS1 and sega mega drive on the go in our house too!)

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Wasn't expecting replies so quickly but looking good.


Bit of background then - kids are 8 year old boy and 11 year old girl.


They both love Morrowind so the Xbox would be a good start for me.....(old D&D head!). Obviously I'd have to play wioth the thing myself, just to get the hang of it.......


Working from memory, these are some of the PC games that they have and still play: FIFA2004, Grand Theft Auto, TombRaider, Morrowind, Sims, Tony Hawks Pro-Skater, Hereos and Might and Magic, Doom, Quake, Rayman.


On Gameboy Advance they both like LOTR, Pokemon, Crash Bandicoot, Rayman.


so you can see from above that they like a cross-section from Platforms, Roleplaying, Shoot-em-up.


So what's the price differences between Xboxes and PS2's (games and consoles)?

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Cheers MBX. The ONLY advantage for me personally of an XBox over a PS2 is that I would be able to play Morrowind on it. Spent a lot of time playing it on my Son's PC but don't get the chance now as I have the kids round my house since the ex found a boyfriend! (And my PC is too slow to play it!).

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Persoanlly i am an Xbox lover! To me Xbox all the way, but for kids it's hard to decide.


The gamecube was said to be the console for kids, but the gamecube has just gone crap to be honest.


PS2, really good awesome console. not got one but wouldn't mind one!


There are alot of games out there for the xbox though i must admit like crash bandicoot, morrow wind, crash nitro, Sonic heros and so on there just a few of the top of my head.

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I've got a sinclair spectrum 2 with a tape drive in the loft (honest). I've thought of venturing up and getting it as it's far superior than any mentioned. :)

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I've got a sinclair spectrum 2 with a tape drive in the loft (honest). I've thought of venturing up and getting it as it's far superior than any mentioned.


I think that the games on the early consoles were MUCH more playable than the more recent offerings.


Cinema and games authors seem to have fallen into the same trap, more effects, less plot.

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