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Which Console Should I Buy For My Kids?


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Bugger consoles, buy them a pair of stout walking boots and hit the lanes and hills :)


Point taken Ripsaw. I have my kids two nights in the week for two hours, Fridays after school till about 9 when we watch films and all day Saturday. During the summer we were out both evenings skateboarding (not broken anything yet!!!!). Problem at this time of year is the dark nights. IF the skies were clear we'd be out star gazing as my 11 year old daughter is into Astronomy.


Saturdays are great because we can get out skateboarding, on bikes, playing football, etc. unless it rains.....


So thanks to all for the advice. Still not quite sure myself. Will have a look in Game and Faze2 tomorrow because the availability of 2nd hand games could be the deciding factor (though I still want an XBox for myself so I can play Morrowind all night on my own like a sad old git!).


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