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Transfer Xbox 360 Data


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I can't be bothered recovering my GT everyime I log off one machine, onto another. It takes too long and it's a hassle I could do without in my busy cod4 filled days.


The easiest way I suppose would be to use a memory card but I'm not paying M$ £22 for a measly 64mb. Which was is really quite genius thinking on the part of M$, "I was thinking Bob, what about all these kids whose parents won't buy them Live but still want to play with their friends or can only afford a Core?" "Well Brad, we charge them to buy shitty little memory cards that cost $4 to buy anywhere, then dress it up in a big plastic box and stamp 'xbox 360' over it and Charge them $50 for it!" "Wow Bob, now I know how you made employee of the month for the last 6 months. Let me buy you a drink! Miller Light ok for you Bob?"


Anyway....I believe you can use a flash drive for storing and transferring music or movies (it's ipod compatible dontcha know) but what about saved game data and stuff like that? Also, is there sneaky way around the fact I can't use things the other half saved on his profile when we're logged on to different machines? I suspect not, but I'm loathed to pay for those bloody maps again.

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Anyway....I believe you can use a flash drive for storing and transferring music or movies (it's ipod compatible dontcha know) but what about saved game data and stuff like that? Also, is there sneaky way around the fact I can't use things the other half saved on his profile when we're logged on to different machines? I suspect not, but I'm loathed to pay for those bloody maps again.


No, memory cards are it really. There are a couple of gadgets that let you emulate a memory card on a pc, but I gather they have limitations.


The DRM is a pain in the chuff, and I can't see any way around it. I just bought a new Elite, and recovered my profile to it, and now I can only play my Live purchases from the past while logged into live, and my non live users (my wife and kids) can't play those games any longer on their own profiles. So they're mighty fed up. Pain in the chuff.

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No, memory cards are it really. There are a couple of gadgets that let you emulate a memory card on a pc, but I gather they have limitations.


The DRM is a pain in the chuff, and I can't see any way around it. I just bought a new Elite, and recovered my profile to it, and now I can only play my Live purchases from the past while logged into live, and my non live users (my wife and kids) can't play those games any longer on their own profiles. So they're mighty fed up. Pain in the chuff.


That sucks. I don't want a crappy xbox memory card, a 4gb usb flash drive is what I want, stupid M$.


The kids play downstairs mostly but don't have Live accounts so they can't just recover their GT everytime they change machine, which is a pain in the ass. So it looks like we'll have to buy them Live accounts too and download every-fuckin-thing twice..... :angry:

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