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Hl2 Deathmatch Is Out


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hi all deathmatch is out so is anyone going to get a local manx server up and running.


this is what i have been looking forward too for the last 4 to 5 years lol sad aint i




p.s i think i found the problem with HL2 i think i need another fan in my case i have a Fanless Graphics card so i reckon a bit extra cooling will help.


o yeah and i have the Omega drivers they seem to help

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CS is only the test bed for TF2 once TF2 is out you will be saying CS what was that lol.


Death Match is where u will find the FUN factor horses for courses i have always been a fan of both but i like death match more as there is a lot more fun.


The 2 maps that came with HL2DM are just to wet your lips, give it a couple of weeks and we will see some great maps.


is Manx Net going to Host a Server? Please please please.



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CS is only the test bed for TF2 once TF2 is out you will be saying CS what was that lol.


TF2 will never overtake CS as it's much more complicated. CS is an easy game to drop into.


*note I'm a fan of neither.

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How can you comment on a game yet to be released, i think TF2 will be easier than CS because you will not be spending time buying weapons you will just choose you class of soldier.


i understand what you are saying but i personally think CS is near its end what more can you do with it?


i played CS from the very first beta any liked it then but it is past its time in my eyes, just my opinion i think TF2 will bring a new twist that online PC owners are crying out for.



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How can you comment on a game yet to be released,


Umm, in much the same way you did buddy.


I played the original TF a lot (not that TFC crapfest) and it was cool n all, but class based shooters are never as popular as straight DM type shooters. Sure, they come and go (CoD being a good example) but they don't have the lasting appeal of your Quakes, Unreals and DM HL Mods.


And the reason? Class based public games suck. Nobody wants to be medic or engineer, they just want to go soldier or HWP. That can be translated to every class based game around. In much the same way as public CTF games suck, because nobody every wants to defence, class based always has a part of the game that nobody wants to do except in proper clan matches.


TF2, if it ever actually comes out, will be popular, but wont replace CS as the number #1 game for online play, especially now that CS: S is out.

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Finally got round to playing some HLDM last night and it doesn't suck as much as I thought it would. Netcode didn't seem great though, but it was fun having radiator and urinal fights.


Gravity gun aside, it's pretty standard fare though. Skill level was pretty low too, I hit 75 in 20 mins with only 30 ish deaths. Only played the one map though (lockdown?) so it might just have been a bunch of newbies on that server.

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TFC > ans!


Also, afaik TF2 is nothing like the original TF. Yes, you get classes all the same, but they are all completely different to the old TF.


Also, whats a HWP? A HWGuy, maybe :P? Its still possible to beat a HWguy as a scout you know, ive done it thousands of times... theres a big difference to jolt.co.uk 2fort 24/7 TFC and clan based TFC :E So before you start giving it a review, learn how to play the game first <_<


Note: HL2DM owns... really starting to get the hang of it now...

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