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Hl2 Deathmatch Is Out


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theres a big difference to jolt.co.uk 2fort 24/7 TFC and clan based TFC :E So before you start giving it a review, learn how to play the game first 


Umm, did you read the part where I mentioned that already? Did you even notice I was talking about TF?

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my reading skills dont matter... the fact is you dont like TFC, youve said it thousands of times before. You probably play on the wrong servers with the wrong players... thats all im saying!


So what? I don't like CS either, that doesn't mean I can't see why it's more popular than anything else out there.


Oddly enough, my opinion on a game isn't going to make it less or more successful. I played TF a bit, I've played a little TFC and I wouldn't consider myself to be anything above average on either, but that isn't my point. Just looking at the server stats for UK TFC games, it would appear to be difficult to be playing on the wrong servers, considering the small number of them there are.


You said TF2 was going to be more popular than CS. I've given you reasons why and you refuse to accept them and cannot offer counterpoints because you're a fanboy. It's really that simple.

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