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Candy For The New Millennium


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NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A survey of individuals who read the journal Nature, a technical bioscience publication, reveals that roughly one in five use prescription drugs to improve their focus, concentration, or memory.


Four fifths of respondents believed that healthy adults should be permitted to take cognition-enhancing agents if they want to




The survey found the most widely used 'cognition-enhancing agent' was methylphenidate (Ritalin)


There was an April fool hoax about a crackdown on doping by scientists, but the use of Ritalin in giving students an unfair edge in exams has been an area of concern for some time - for example at Oxford University:




("Candy for the new millennium" was taken from this LTTV style YouTube video about Ritalin

- go to 3:22 for the quick intro)
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