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Illegal Ashtrays


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Has anyone else spotted the planning aplication notice to locate an ash tray on the outside wall of the Central Hotel in Ramsey. This fine architetural building (actually its a bit of a sh*t hole to look at and to be inside) is registered and therefore the placing of one of these new ashtrays needs registered building planning consent.


This got me thinking and a quick scan of the permitted development orders reveals that there is no permitted development provision for ashtrays outside any buildings.


So, how long before someone is prosecuted for not getting planning approval for an ashtray they have been asked to put up as a result of the DLGE (who also oversee planning) banning smoking in public buildings.


Joined up government strikes again..


As it happens the permitted development orders don't apply within conservation areas or on registered buildings anyway, so all the ashtrays in Casteltown, Peel, and Ramsey quayside are illegal....

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Whether legal or not, they don't appear to be getting much use. I've noticed a lot more fag ends littering the street since the ban came in.


Oh, and whilst WilDDog and I were walking along the street the other morning, we spotted some genuine white dog poo - how about that!

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Smokers must truly love smoking, or be really addicted - there's no other explanation. (Unless they love smoking and being addicted, of course.)


It was really quite chilly this morning (although it brightened up beautifully later on), but even so, the hardy smokers were out in force, shivering in doorways and hunched up in corners, desperately sucking death from those lovely little cancer sticks. (The best one was some woman shivering outside Dukes in Strand Street to have a fag, whilst inside was warmth and bacon and eggs and people to talk to and suchlike.)


Maybe I'm missing out here, maybe I've been in denial all these years, maybe I was wasting my cash on shit like ecstasy and LSD, when all along I should have been getting into the proper, genuinely impressive drugs, such as good old fashioned legal cigarettes - those fuckers must be brilliant!


So come on smokers, give me a sales pitch, because no one endures such a sustained degree of leper status and general discomfort unless the high is seriously impressive.

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I am off to take the dog for a run, he will be kind of leashed to the bike which has no lights. While cycling I will light up then stop on the pavement and let pooch do what comes naturally, obviously leave it there all nice and steamy like. I shall then drop me fag butt on the pavement and also leave it and then walk over to the nearest doorway to empty my own tank, probably have a good cough and anything that comes up shall be swiftly deposited on to the floor.


Back onto the unlit bike and homewards. Tomorrow I shall be mainly fiddling the parking regs .


Life goes on, enjoy yours.




Do the Navan Walk

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So, how long before someone is prosecuted for not getting planning approval for an ashtray they have been asked to put up as a result of the DLGE (who also oversee planning) banning smoking in public buildings.


...so all the ashtrays in Casteltown, Peel, and Ramsey quayside are illegal....


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was told of a shop being visited by a jobsworth because they hadn't put 'no smoking' signs in their shop doorway (which is slightly recessed from the building line with display windows).


it's bad enough them having to scutch the fag-ends away from there which people drop and others which blow about in the street and end up in the doormat :( it's got worse since the ban !

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Just to add a quick note, several places have been refused planning permission for outside smoking areas quite rightly due to the fact it is on the pavement where people have to pass and have to smell the obnoxious fumes from inconsiderate smokers.

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was told of a shop being visited by a jobsworth because they hadn't put 'no smoking' signs in their shop doorway (which is slightly recessed from the building line with display windows).

Displaying signs is compulsory in the legislation, yet they don't have to put up signs in shops to say e.g. "it is illegal to have a dump on the floor in these premises" or "it is illegal to batter your work-mates about the head with a rolling pin on these premises" - when it obviously is.


DLGE certainly seem to have put the 'ban' into 'banal'. All this kind of stuff demonstrates to me, is the anti-smoking aspects of the individuals that contrived the legislation. Not just making it illegal, they want to dress up in anti-smoking uniforms and do the nanny-goose-step at every opportunity. These signs aren't just about warning people, they are a reminder and an advert that the anti-smokers will never give up getting everyone to give up. They cover all this bullcrap by saying 'it's a place of work'.

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