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Illegal Ashtrays


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I'm glad I've given up. It has gone totally over the top, I think people, even most smokers, generally supported the change because of the passive smoking thing in pubs, non smokers going home smelling of smoke etc it was probably reasonable to bow to the majority. But they've gone totally the other way -


- blocking off the smoking shelter at the airport because it is now illegal

- forcing shops to put up no smoking signs in their window - even when no one smoked in the shop before the ban

- the bus stop in Ballabeg is essentially an F shape and totally open to the elements and someone's slapped a no smoking sign on it.

- telling people they can't smoke inside, can't drop cigarette ends, and can't put up an ashtray.

- and the Government instead of apologising to smokers for the inconvenience they will now face and hoping that they will understand that the new rules were brought in as the lesser of two evils, have instead chosen to gloat and are appealing for good news stories about the ban.


In fact I have a good news story for them - I've given up smoking but everywhere I go I am tempted to start smoking again because some idiot has stuck up a picture of a cigarette to remind me that I can't smoke.

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Dusk, a deserted bus shelter on a lonely manx road.

An old car schreeches to a halt.

Four figures dressed in black and wearing balaclavas leap out and enter the shelter.

As one they pull out illegal cigarettes and light up.

The shelter fills with smoke.

A few moments later the car roars off leaving a smokey bus shelter.


The terrorists remove their balaclavas and pull in to an isolated car park some miles away.

They swop vehicles and torch the car used in the outrage.

Only a burnt out shell will remain with no forensic evidence.

Later they will bury their smoking weapons in a secret cache near an old tholtan.


and disappear back into an unsuspecting community...........

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"People on the streets just need to open their eyes a little and look around every now and again, and when spotting a bin, take evasive action (like walking of the end of the nearest pier)!"

If only we could.

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It has gone totally over the top...it was probably reasonable to bow to the majority. But they've gone totally the other way -


I was more or less not that bothered by the ban apart from a few questions about its execution, but like you I think it's gone over the top.


It's not so much the actual details that bother me as it is the fact that the government's recent actions seem more inspired by an over eagerness for modish causes than by reasoned thought and due consideration, and more concerned with making very public gestures than actually addressing what is a serious issue in public health.


To be honest, I'd probably prefer it if they just banned tobacco outright. At least that would show some kind of courage and conviction on the government's part than petty initiatives do.

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The consensus is that smoking is evil and harms others who do not wish to smell of smoke when they arrive home from the local.

The law is in and we smokers just have to get on with it, sound.


You do not wish to smell of smoke but you chose to enter premises full of smokers, this is where I get confused. If I did not like per say loud music I would not enter a loud music establishment and would happily go elsewhere so as not to annoy myself and get up the nose of those who do like a noisy establishment.


Ah but the workers should not have to endure such circumstance - this archaic law is down to insurance and your ambulance chasing brigade, simple as.


But what really gets me tooled up is the fact that for such minor offences as for instance - letting your pooch have a pooh and not clean it up or heaven forbid drop your cig butt in the street - society is more than prepared to allow the murder of the not quite ready to leave mummy's womb children - not seen so it won't hurt. Basically flushed down the Mersey to glow with the rest of the unwanted pooh from WS. Yes my secondary smoke may or may not affect you but you and I have a (or did have) a choice, where as?


I don't mind as long as the playing field is level. And yes I can hear you all gnashing at teeth to tell me that unborns are subjected to mummy, smoking, drinking and possibly drugging up. But at least the child will have a fighting chance as opposed to being put down.


Does this justify me having a smoke, probably not, although I sleep well in the fact my field is level and yours is ploughed up with no chance of fertilization.


If you respond to this ramble because you see it as an anti abortion protest then I give up, as that is a separate issue.



Do the Navan Walk

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Ashist surely. I'm now off to see my MHK cause I can't use the pavements in the evening without my clothes and lungs being polluted by the exhaust emitted by the smokers outside the pubs. Its about time they put an additional tax on the price of cigarettes to fund street cleaning and pick up all the fags ends left around by the inconsiderate section of the populace who choose to indulge in this drug and thereby pollute the atmosphere and burden the rest of society with the addiitonal healthcare they need as their hearts and lungs give in. IMO smokers shouldn't get health care after 55 years.


Anyway I was expecting more of an outcry for calling the Central a sh*thole.


Ageist surely - and 'exhaust' emitted by smokers (?) is of nothing compared to that from vehicles.

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